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Center for Global Mountain Safeguard Research - News & Events - GLOMOS to host side event in Paris at UNESCO Climate Risk conference


GLOMOS to host side event in Paris at UNESCO Climate Risk conference

  • English
  • Date: 19.04.2023, 13:15 – 14:15 CET
  • Place: UNESCO Headquarters and Online

Our researchers Stefan Schneiderbauer and Jess Delves will be in Paris at the International Conference on Climate Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience Building hosted by UNESCO where GLOMOS is co-hosting a side-event on Wednesday 19th April. The conference aims at bridging the gap between science, policy and decision-making to support effective resilience building. Its focus goes beyond vulnerability and climate risk assessments, addressing challenges in fast-tracking and scaling up innovative adaptation solutions, climate funding, and the emerging role of citizen participation and open science. The side-event is organised by Eurac-GLOMOS, GRID-Arendal, and ICIMOD. GRID-Arendal is a non-profit, environmental communications organisation in the heart of Arendal, Norway, working internationally to support sustainable development through communicating policy-relevant information that strengthens capacity and motivates action. ICIMOD is an intergovernmental knowledge and learning centre that develops and shares research, information, and innovations to empower people in the eight regional member countries of the HKH – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan.
This side-event brings together global mountain experts to present and discuss the multidimensional challenges facing mountains. Keynote speakers from the Andes, southern Africa and the Hindu Kush Himalaya will provide both a global and local perspective on these challenges, and how they are being tackled in their respective mountain regions.
A closer look at adaptation options in the Hindu Kush Himalaya is provided through the launch of a coffee table book presenting 10 resilient mountain solutions. The solutions are based on local and scientific knowledge, developed and tested over several years, in close relation with local communities, partner organizations and experts, and with the support of governing institutions and decision makers in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region. This will be followed by a panel discussion on the feasibility of upscaling and outscaling existing solutions, and how these can be modified for new locations. In addition, panelists will discuss the potential of simple, affordable technologies to increase long-term resilience towards climate-change related hazards, particularly in relation to water security.
To follow other events of the conference, you can register on the conference website.

Online participation is free and registration can be done via this link.

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