Italian Regionalism

1b/2024 Italian Regionalism

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  • English
  • Italiano

The Institute carries out in-depth research on the Italian regional system, analysing its development, from the constitutional reform of 2001 to the attempts made in 2014 by the Renzi Government, at the end rejected by a referendum in 2016.

To this regard, particular attention is paid to the relationship between the center and the sub-state level, focusing on special regions which are analyzed – through a comparative research method - considering their development both in terms of institutional solutions and policies adopted.

A series of conferences have been organized so far on this topic and two books have been published under the ESI series of the Institute (“Il futuro della specialità alla luce della riforma costituzionale” in 2016 and "Le variabili della specialità. Evidenze e riscontri tra soluzioni istituzionali e politiche settoriali" in 2018, both edited by F. Palermo and S. Parolari).

Another core topic of the Institute in this area is the research on the attempts of some ordinary regions to get more autonomy in terms of competences and finances, as provided by art. 116.3 of the Constitution. On this topic, and particularly on differences and similarities between the so called “regionalismo differenziato” and special autonomy, the Institute published several papers in three languages (e.g. C. Zwilling E. Alber, Italiens Spagat zwischen Einheit und Differenzierung: Reformen und differenzierter Regionalismus unter der „Regierung der Veränderung“, in Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2019), and participated to conferences at national level (such as Valdesalici and Parolari at the XL annual conference of the Associazione Italiana Scienze Regionali “Beyond the crises: renewal, reconstruction and local development” in September 2019, or Palermo at the conference organized by ISSIRFA “Differenziazione e asimmetria nel regionalismo italiano” in May 2019).

Within this project, the Institute focuses intensively also on the Covid-19 issues related to territorial governance, having regard particularly to the distribution of competences between State and Regions in Italy and the respective powers and responsibilities in dealing with the emergency. To this regard, the Institute participates to projects and calls related to the Covid-19 emergency and the problems related to the coordination between State and Regions in dealing with the pandemy.

Together with this, the Institute focuses on Italian regionalism considering it from a comparative perspective within the recent decentralisation trends in Europe (to this regard a conference has been organized in Spring 2021, a webinar has been organized in 2022 and a book will be published in 2022).

The regional level within the Italian constitutional system is continuously a focus of research, e.g. publications in cooperation with the neighbouring universities of Trento (Italy) and Innsbruck (Austria).    

Dissemination through presentations, discussions and lectures has helped the Institute to become a reference point and expertise center on these topics.

Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2023: Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa
Europäisches Zentrum Für Föderalismus-Forschung Tübingen EZFF (2023)
Baden-Baden: Nomos
(Jahrbuch des Föderalismus)
Edited book
La funzione legislativa tra federalismo esecutivo e specialità finanziaria
Parolari S, Valdesalici A (2022)
Journal article
DPCE Online

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Introduzione e moderazione: il governo locale in Europa di fronte alla pandemia
Parolari S (2022)

Conference: Il governo locale in Europa di fronte alla pandemia | Online | 9.5.2022 - 9.5.2022

A Primer on the Autonomy of South Tyrol: History, Law, Politics
Alber E, Zwilling C (2022)

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The (weak) role of the Italian Parliament in the management of the health crisis
Parolari S (2021)

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Covid 19 e provvedimenti emergenziali in Italia: il debole ruolo del Parlamento nella gestione della crisi sanitaria e le alternative possibili
Parolari S (2021)

More information: ...

Representative democracy in Italy: the great absentee in the Covid-19 emergency
Parolari S (2021)

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Le tendenze del decentramento in Europa: Introduzione/moderazione
Parolari S (2021)

Conference: Le tendenze del decentramento in Europa | Bolzano | 25.5.2021 - 25.5.2021

Italien auf seinem Weg zu Föderalismus und Südtirols (ewiger) Sonderweg
Klotz G, Zwilling C (2020)
Contribution in book
regional. national. föderal: zur Beziehung politischer Ebenen in Österreich

Italiens Regionalismus im Ausnahmezustand: die Regierung Conte II auf der Suche nach Stabilität und Koordination
Zwlling C, Alber E (2020)
Contribution in book
Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2020: Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa /
Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung Tübingen (EZFF)

Italiens Spagat zwischen Einheit und Differenzierung: Reformen und differenzierter Regionalismus unter der „Regierung der Veränderung“
Zwilling C, Alber E (2019)
Contribution in book
Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2019: Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa

Italiens differenzierter Regionalismus und das Märchen von den gebratenen Tauben
Zwilling C (2019)

More information: ...

Il regionalismo italiano alla ricerca di una nuova identità
Parolari S (2019)

Conference: Il regionalismo italiano in cerca di una nuova identitá | Bolzano | 18.3.2019 - 18.3.2019

Le variabili della specialità: evidenze e riscontri tra soluzioni istituzionali e politiche settoriali
Parolari S, Palermo F (2018)
Napoli: ESI
(Eurac ius publicum europaeum)
Edited book

Democratic quality and territorial distribution of power in Italy
Parolari S, Trettel M (2018)
Contribution in book
Calidad democrática y organización territorial

La specialitá e le fonti del diritto
Parolari S (2018)
Contribution in book
Le variabili della specialità: evidenze e riscontri tra soluzioni istituzionali e politiche settoriali

Italiens Regionen zwischen Reform und Stillstand
Zwilling C (2017)
Contribution in book
Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2017

Italien: Dritter Weg oder Ausweg aus der Sackgasse?
Parolari S, Valdesalici A (2017)

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Il regionalismo differenziato: una terza via o una via di uscita dall'impasse del regionalismo all'italiana?
Parolari S, Valdesalici A (2017)
Journal article
Revista Catalana de Dret Públic

More information: ...

Die Verfassungsreform Renzi-Boschi
Zwilling C (2016)
News of the Month October 2016, Close-up on the Constitutional Reform: Possible Impacts on Autonomous Regions and Selected Policies
Cittadino F (2016)

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Italiens Föderalisierung auf dem Prüfstand
Alber E, Zwilling C (2016)
Journal article
Jahrbuch des Föderalismus: Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa

Il futuro della specialità regionale alla luce della riforma costituzionale
Palermo F, Parolari S (2016)
Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane
(Ius publicum europaeum, n.s.)
Edited book

Riforma costituzionale e regioni: riflessioni a prima lettura sul nuovo titolo V della costituzione
Palermo F, Parolari S (2015)
Bolzano: Eurac Research
(EURAC book)
Edited book

Italiens Föderalisierung: erneut Rückschritt statt Fortschritt
Zwilling C, Alber E (2015)
Contribution in book
Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2015

Italiens neuer Senat im Verfassungsreformentwurf: verkleinert, entmachtet - überflüssig?
Zwilling C (2015)

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Italien auf der Suche nach (s)einer föderalen Kultur: Konfrontation plus Konfliktregelung gleich Kooperation?
Zwilling C, Alber E (2013)
Contribution in book
Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2013

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