EDIS/ABI - Cultural diversity governance from a security perspective

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This project combines works on conflict regulation/minority accommodation (broadly defined as cultural diversity governance) with the field of security studies in regards to both the so-called “old” and “new” minorities. In the past twenty years security has become a relevant field of governments’ action with repercussions in several policy areas, including accommodation of diversity and migration. The project focuses on how security issues interplay with the governance of cultural diversity, offering new perspectives that advances our understanding of minority issues and policy debates around the accommodation of cultural diversity.

Key concepts from security studies are adapted and used to develop an innovative analytical framework, in particular human security and securitization/desecuritization. The concept of human security regards the need to guarantee the well-being of individuals, responding to their needs in dealing with sources of threats domestically as well as globally, and develops along various dimensions (including economic, environmental, health, cultural, and political). Securitization refers to the subjective process by which an issue is considered as an existential threat requiring emergency measures, whereas desecuritization is the reverse process.

Normative and empirical research questions addressed by the project include: How should conflict regulation/minority accommodation be reframed in terms of human security? And to what extent do institutional, legal and political instruments of cultural diversity governance address security threats and processes of securitization of minorities and ethnic groups?

With this analytical framework, the project compares various case studies of cultural diversity governance in democratic countries, including South Tyrol and Northern Ireland. Combining discourse, historical-institutional, and law-policy analysis, the research investigates cultural diversity governance along two dimensions: the degree of human security provided, and the extent processes of securitization/desecuritization of minorities and ethnic groups are addressed.

For further information: Andrea Carlà – Institute for Minority Rights – andrea.carla@eurac.edu

Intervista per Podcast: Understanding Autonomy / Episode 8: Autonomie und „disagio“? - Autonomia e “disagio”? - Autonomia y “disagio”?
Carlà A (2023)

More information: https://understanding-autonomy.podigee.io/8-new-episode

Migration and (De)Securitisation Dynamics at the Local Level: Discourses and Practices in South Tyrol
Carlà A (2023)
Contribution in book
Anxieties of Migration and Integration in Turbulent Times

More information: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-23996-0_ ...


Negotiated belonging in sub-state nationalist contexts: young adult migrant narratives in Scotland and South Tyrol
Carlà A, Nicolson M (2023)
Journal article
Comparative Migration Studies

More information: https://comparativemigrationstudies.springeropen.com/article ...


Minority Issues from a Non-traditional Security Perspective: Cross-fertilization among Research Fields
Carlà A (2023)
Journal article
Europa Ethnica

More information: https://www.facultas.at/verlag/zeitschriften/europa_ethnica

Security and Minorities: Building a Human Security Index for Minority Issues

Carlà A (2023)
Journal article
Security Dialogues

More information: http://periodica.fzf.ukim.edu.mk/sd/SD%2014.1%20(2023)/sd29. ...


Le elezioni politiche 2022 in Alto Adige
Carlà A (2023)
Contribution in book
Politika 23: Südtiroler Jahrbuch für Politik / Annuario di politica dell'Alto Adige: Lobbying, die Ukraine und wir, Wahlen / Lobbying, L’Ucraina e noi, elezioni

More information: https://www.politika.bz.it/it/attivita/annuario/

Peace in Northern Ireland: Navigating the Uncertainty of Brexit
Carlà A, Gorte G (2023)
Contribution in book
European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Volume 20 (2021)

More information: https://brill.com/edcollbook/title/62139


Eine Brücke zwischen Sprachen und Kulturen
Carlà A (2023)

More information: https://www.onde.de/onde59-abo/

Securitization of Minorities under Covid-19: Discourses, Practices and Historical Antecedents
Carlà A, Djolai M (2022)
Journal article
European Yearbook of Minority Issues Online

More information: https://brill.com/view/journals/ymio/19/1/article-p107_6.xml ...


The Politics of Events: Twenty Years of 9/11
Carlà A (2022)
Contribution in book
Law and Politics: Festschrift für Joseph Marko


Minority Protection from a Human Security Perspective
Carlà A (2022)
Contribution in book
Women Security and Governance
When Minorities Become a Threat: From 9/11 to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Carlà A (2022)

More information: https://www.europenowjournal.org/2022/04/17/when-minorities- ...

Così si aizza lo scontro fra i gruppi
Carlà A (2022)
Alto Adige
Un segnale di convivenza possibile
Carlà A (2022)
Alto Adige
At the intersection of language, conflict, and security: Theoretical and empirical perspectives
Medda-Windischer R, Carlà A (2022)
Journal article
Language Problems and Language Planning


Securitizing Borders: The Case of South Tyrol
Carlà A (2022)
Journal article
Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity

More information: https://doi.org/10.1017/nps.2021.14



Language Policies and Identity/ontological Insecurities in Ukraine (1991-2021)
Constantin S, Carlà A (2022)

Conference: 2nd SECUREU CONFERENCE Identities, Ontological (In)Securities and the Politics of (De)Securitisation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities | Glasgow | 6.10.2022 - 7.10.2022

Language policies and identity/ontological insecurities in Ukraine (1991-2021)

Constantin S, Carlà A

Conference: 2nd SECUREU CONFERENCE Identities, Ontological (In)Securities and the Politics of (De)Securitisation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities | Glasgow | 6.10.2022 - 7.10.2022

Fear of Others: Processes of (De)Securitisation in Northern Ireland
Carlà A (2021)
Journal article
Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe

More information: https://www.ecmi.de/fileadmin/redakteure/publications/JEMIE_ ...



A new kind of insecurity: how the pandemic has affected minorities
Carlà A (2020)

More information: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/07/21/a-new-kind-of-ins ...


Security and Law Enforcement
Schulte F, Carlà A (2020)
Contribution in book
Mapping Integration Indicators: a Reference Tool for Evaluating the Implementation of Ljubljana Guidelines-based Policy, Report commissioned by the HCNM/OSCE

More information: https://webassets.eurac.edu/31538/1610634928-mapping-integra ...


Territorial and Cultural Self-governance in Italy: Strengths and Challenges of South Tyrol’s Autonomy
Carlà A, Constantin S (2019)
Contribution in book
Minority Self-government in Europe and the Middle East

More information: https://brill.com/view/book/edcoll/9789004405455/BP000009.xm ...



From Security Considerations to De-Securitising: the Discourse on ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Minorities
Carlà A (2019)
Contribution in book
Extending Protection to Migrant Populations in Europe: old and new Minorities

More information: https://www.routledge.com/Extending-Protection-to-Migrant-Po ...


Fear of "Others"? Processes of Securitization in South Tyrol
Carlà A (2019)
Journal article
Research and Science Today

More information: https://www.rstjournal.com/rst-218-2019/


Not Securitizing Migration? Lessons From Spain
Carlà A (2018)
Contribution in book
A European Crisis: perspectives on refugees, solidarity, and Europe

More information: https://www.ibidem.eu/en/a-european-crisis-perspectives-on-r ...


Land of welcome, land of fear: explaining approaches to ‘new’ diversity in Catalonia and South Tyrol
Carlà A (2018)
Journal article
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

More information: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369183X.2017.13 ...



Peace in South Tyrol and the Limits of Consociationalism
Carlà A (2018)
Journal article
Nationalism and Ethnic Politics

More information: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13537113.2018.1 ...



Verso un nuovo Statuto di autonomia per il Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol: proposte e riflessioni
Carlà A (2017)
Contribution in book
La nostra autonomia oggi e domani: proposte per il terzo Statuto del Trentino-Alto Adige/Sudtirolo


Project Team
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CUTE Autonomy

ABI - Cultural and Territorial Autonomy

Duration: - Funding: Internal funding EURAC (Project)

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Institute's Projects
