
EU H2020 Heart - Holistisches Toolkit zur energetischen und architektonischen Nachrüstung

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HEART ist ein multifunktionales Retrofit-Toolkit, das synergistisch verschiedene Teilkomponenten - ICT, BEMS, HVAC, BIPV und Envelope - Technologien kombiniert  um ein bestehendes Gebäude in ein intelligentes zu verwandeln.

Basierend auf einem ganzheitlichen Leistungsansatz wird das Toolkit konzipiert, um eine extrem hohe Energieeffizienz der bestehenden Wohngebäude zu erreichen, insbesondere in Mittel- und Südeuropa, wo der Klimawandel und die Energieumwandlung den Stromverbrauch sowohl in der Sommer- als auch in der Wintersaison erhöht haben.

Der zentrale Kern des Systems besteht aus einer Cloud-basierten Computing-Plattform, die die operative Logik zur Entscheidungsunterstützung in Planung und Bau sowie zur Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz und Überwachung während des Betriebsprozesses zentralisiert. Das Toolkit ermöglicht Energieeinsparung, Optimierung des Energieflusses, Datenaustausch und Funktionen zur aktiven Einbindung von Interessengruppen.

HEART will tackle technical, economic and social aspects of energy retrofit by the specific objectives listed below:

OBJECTIVE 1 – To develop systemic and cost-optimal solutions for energy retrofit

The main objective of the project is to develop holistic and multifunctional solutions which offer a joint response to the different needs and problems characterizing the energy retrofit sector.

HEART will develop an original energy toolkit based on the synergistic interaction between building technologies and technical systems. This multifunctional toolkit will be structured to carry not only technical, but also decision-making, management and information features, with the aim of actively involving the different stakeholders (designer, financier, developers, end-users, etc.) in the renovation process.

OBJECTIVE 2 – To develop, update and adapt innovative technologies for their systemic integration

The HEART toolkit will systemically integrate different types of subcomponents - envelope technologies, HVAC, RES and BEMS - offering high levels of performance and communicating with each other.

Starting from the advanced market technologies developed by partners, HEART will improve their performance and make the necessary steps for their systemic integration.

OBJECTIVE 3 – To foster building’s smart upgrade

The developed solutions will enable to convert existing buildings into Smart Buildings, i.e. in interactive buildings characterized by dynamic and multidirectional flows of energy and information.

For this purpose, the Toolkit will develop a building automation solution with affordable cost and without intrusive works needed.

OBJECTIVE 4 – To promote energy efficient financing

As it is conceived, HEART reduces energy consumption, optimizes overall performance and, through a continuous monitoring, makes the building operation transparent. This aspect translates into an effective management of a retrofit intervention and a constant documentation of its performance. The platform allows to aggregate several buildings into single economic management clusters, compensating for the dispersion of interventions, which often constitutes a disincentive for financing parties.

Adaptive-predictive control strategy for HVAC systems in smart buildings – A review
Gholamzadehmir M, Del Pero C, Buffa S, Fedrizzi R, Aste N (2020)
Sustainable Cities and Society

Weitere Informationen: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221067072 ...



Riqualificare energeticamente un edificio con un toolkit domotico multifunzionale
Scudo P (2018)

Weitere Informationen: https://www.ingenio-web.it/20499-riqualificare-energeticamen ...


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