
Daniel Cetrà

Daniel Cetrà


Daniel Cetrà is a Beatriu de Pinós Research Fellow at the Institutions and Political Economy Research Group (IPERG) of the University of Barcelona. He is also Associate Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and the Open University of Catalonia. Previously, he was a Research Fellow at the Centre on Constitutional Change at the University of Edinburgh and in 2021 became the Federal Scholar in Residence at Eurac Research in Bolzano/Bozen, Italy. Daniel specializes in the comparative study of nationalism and territorial politics. He has published extensively in journals including the Journal of Common Market Studies, Nations and Nationalism, The Political Quarterly, Territory, Politics, Governance, and Ethnicities. His book Nationalism, Liberalism and Language in Catalonia and Flanders was published in 2019 by Palgrave.

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State Nationalism and Macchiatones

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