
Francisco Javier Romero Caro

Francisco Javier Romero Caro


Francisco Javier Romero Caro is Senior Researcher at the Eurac Research Institute for Comparative Federalism. His research interests encompass fiscal federalism, the territorial distribution of powers in multilevel systems (with a special focus on federal states) and the territorial integration of national minorities in secessionist contexts. He won the XVII "Manuel Giménez Abad" Award for his book on the Canadian federal system and the integration of Quebec and the Seal of Excellence in the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie call with a project on fiscal federalism and diversity accommodation.

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Independent at last: the story of Usansolo or when the rules are for saleScience Blog
Science Blog

Independent at last: the story of Usansolo or when the rules are for sale

Francisco Javier Romero CaroFrancisco Javier Romero Caro
Unraveling South Tyrol's Fragmented Electoral LandscapeScience Blog
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Unraveling South Tyrol's Fragmented Electoral Landscape

Francisco Javier Romero CaroFrancisco Javier Romero Caro
Spain faces the abyssScience Blog
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Spain faces the abyss

Francisco Javier Romero CaroFrancisco Javier Romero Caro
Early elections in Spain: causes and prospectsScience Blog
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Early elections in Spain: causes and prospects

Francisco Javier Romero CaroFrancisco Javier Romero Caro
My trip to the Italian electionsScience Blog
Science Blog

My trip to the Italian elections

Francisco Javier Romero CaroFrancisco Javier Romero Caro
Introduction: Democratic system and territorial integration: the effects and consequences of Catalonia’s quest for independence Science Blog
Science Blog

Introduction: Democratic system and territorial integration: the effects and ...

Francisco Javier Romero CaroFrancisco Javier Romero Caro
Fiscal federalism and diversity accommodation in multilevel states: a comparative perspective Science Blog
Science Blog

Fiscal federalism and diversity accommodation in multilevel states: a comparative ...

Francisco Javier Romero CaroFrancisco Javier Romero Caro
The local merge of Don Benito and Villanueva: the milkmaid's tale that required VAR to decide the outcome of the referendumScience Blog
Science Blog

The local merge of Don Benito and Villanueva: the milkmaid's tale that required VAR to ...

Francisco Javier Romero CaroFrancisco Javier Romero Caro
Federal loyalty and superheroes: a fairy-tale without a happy endingScience Blog
Science Blog

Federal loyalty and superheroes: a fairy-tale without a happy ending

Francisco Javier Romero CaroFrancisco Javier Romero Caro

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