Die Stadt als vernetztes Hotel

"The city as a interconnected hotel" - Central room rental for Glurns

  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Italiano
  • Project duration: -
  • Project status: finished
  • Funding:
    Public institutions (Other projects /Project)
  • Total project budget: €5,000.00
  • Institute: Institute for Regional Development

The arim of the project "The city as interconncted hotel" is to establish a centralized booking and renting service. Through cooperation among the owners of different holiday apartments and private accommodations and by managing determined task fields and activities through a centralized institution tourism enterprises shall be encouraged and shall enhance the revival of tourism activities and the overall promotion of the local economic cycle. The project aims at the renovation and re-adoption of existing (historical) venues, at the revitalization of the city center, at the creation of new (economic) perspectives for the local population, at the re-lounch of closed enterprises and to increase the overall attractiveness of the city as a holiday, residential and livable town. A potential output of the project could be based on the concept of "Albergo diffuso" which can be implemented within different communalities.

Project Team
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Sustainable public transport solutions and innovative governance schemes for improving connectivity ...

Duration: - Funding: Central Europe 2021-2027 (EUTC / EU ...

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