MoNEW: Evaluation of the project MoNOE (Method development for landslide susceptibility modelling in Lower Austria)

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The project MoNEW is led by the University of Vienna and focuses on the evaluation of data-driven susceptibility models developed for the process-types fall and slide within the context of the previous research project MoNOE (Method development for landslide susceptibility modelling in Lower Austria). The resultant susceptibility maps are currently used for spatial planning purposes in Lower Austria and will be inspected for potential changes in the prediction pattern by re-modelling with newly available landslide information. Furthermore, the project will also exploit the newly available data sets, such as landslide dimension data, in order to develop innovative methodical procedures. Eurac Research will provide methodical consultancy in terms of statistical modelling tools and model evaluation techniques.  

Contact person: Stefan Steger ( 

Project Team
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Stefan Steger

Stefan Steger

Project Manager


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