Study and realization of an innovative oxygen free system for the preservation of mummies.

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  • English
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  • Project duration: -
  • Project status: finished
  • Funding:
    Internal funding EURAC (Project)
  • Institute: Institute for Mummy Studies

The preservation of mummies represents an important challenge not only for our institution, but also for any conservator on the world.
Generally the study of organic finds is still rare, that’s why we are trying, especially through this project, to establish ourselves as relevant Cultural Heritage conservators, proposing a complete innovative system, efficient even if it can be accomplished on the cheap. In fact we believe that in the future we will be able to create a so called “passive” glass case, which won’t need any electricity supply and will be able at the same time to self-regulate the inside physical parameters.  This project proposal has been generated by the piled up experience during the last few years, thanks also to the previous concluded projects, such as NITROGEN MUMMY CASES PALERMO, ICEMAN NITROGEN PRESERVATION and PRINCESS ANNA CONSERVATION PROJECT, which allowed the registration of important patents.

Development of passive controlled atmosphere display cases for the conservation of cultural assets
Samadelli M, Zink AR, Roselli G, Gabrielli S, Tabandeh S, Fernicola VC (2019)
Journal article
Journal of Cultural Heritage

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Paleogenetic analysis of sixty Bolivian mummies provide precious insights into the genetic history ...

Duration: - Funding: Provincial P.-L.P. 14. Mobility ...

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