
Risk Governance in the Case of Overload and Residual Risk: Status Quo and Possible Improvements in the EUSALP region

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The overall objective of the study is the inquiry of the status quo regarding risk governance in the case of overload and residual risks in the Alps. It is being carried out within the scope of the project ‘AlpGov’ (Implementing Alpine Governance Mechanism of the European Strategy for the Alpine Region).

The findings of this study will contribute to an overall analysis concerning the risk governance in the field of gravitational natural hazards. They will support further work within EUSALP, particularly of the Action Group 8, and will back the formulation of recommendations to improve the current situation concerning risk governance in the Alps.

The concrete objective of this study is to collect and present the status quo of risk governance in dealing with overload events and residual risk regarding the natural hazards of flood, torrential hazard, avalanche, rockfall and landslide in the EUSALP area. In addition, it intends to collect examples of good practices developed to deal with and manage these particular risks. Finally, based on the findings of the various working steps, the study will formulate recommendations for possible future activities to improve the governance of residual risks and in the case of overload. The target groups are on one hand experts in the field of risk governance. On the other hand, the study addresses decision-makers at different governmental levels as well as the general public. The overall objectives can be summarized as:

  • delivering a compendium of the different existing definitions of residual risk / overload situation in the EUSALP area,
  • presenting the status quo of risk governance in the fields of residual risk and overload events in the EUSALP area, taking into account legal, technical and political aspects,
  • presenting the variety of approaches to risk management in the EUSALP area – giving particular attention to the phases of the management cycle, communication and the consideration of climate change,
  • analyzing the effects of such approaches on regional planning, land use planning, protection concepts, disaster
  • English
  • control, tourism and transport,
  • making a collection of 'good practice' examples dealing with overload events concerning the above-mentioned natural hazards,
  • elaborating shared recommendations for improving the status quo.

Beyond the Expected: Dealing with Cases of Overload and the Residual Risk of Natural Hazards in the Alpine Region
Schneiderbauer S, Hartmann S, Dalla Torre C (2018)

Conference: EUSALP Actin Group 8 Meeting | Piran | 11.4.2018 - 13.4.2018

Project Team
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Andrea Sankowsky

Andrea Sankowsky

Team Member


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