
Monitoring of the development of the Italian mountain areas

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The MON-I-MONT project aims at improving the quantitative and qualitative information base of Italian mountain areas. To this end, the project’s homepage serves as a platform for information and debate. Interested parties will have the opportunity to gather in-depth information about different aspects of the mountain territories – of the Alps as well as of the Apennines – by means of texts, tables, graphs, and maps. Most of the information will be available for download. Current issues in the Italian mountain areas will be examined as well as those aspects concerning the consequences of developments that hitherto have occurred. Specific reference will be made to the developments and their consequences. There will also be room for discussion on future trends. The issues to be presented will be selected in collaboration with experts. To this end, a Delphi study took place. Workshops will be organized to further strengthen existing contacts, expand the national network, and further enhance the role of the Eurac Institute in the field of research on mountain areas. One of these results is the Rete Montagna Conference 2014 at EURAC.

Il paesaggio terrazzato e i servizi ecosistemici: opportunità di governance sulla base dei nuovi indirizzi legislativi
Omizzolo A, Santolini R (2017)
Conference proceedings article

Il paesaggio rurale e montano: un valore sia per il turista sia per l'agricoltore
Omizzolo A (2016)
Our partners
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  • Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea

Project Team
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Sustainable public transport solutions and innovative governance schemes for improving connectivity ...

Duration: - Funding: Central Europe 2021-2027 (EUTC / EU ...

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