IT FG-GlassAdv - Implementation of a detailed thermal calculation model for Complex Facade Systems in the glassAdvisor tool.

  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Italiano
  • Project duration: -
  • Project status: finished
  • Funding:
    Stiftungen (Other projects /Project)
  • Total project budget: €54,749.00
  • Institute: Institute for Renewable Energy

The project aims at implementing a detailed calculation methodology in the glassAdvisor webtool for evaluating the thermal performance of facades, responding to the environmental sustainability requirements of today design for such complex systems. The new version of the glassAdvisor tool will allow to perform a detailed thermal calculation of facade systems including shading components. In addition to offering standard information on the glazed component such as U-value and g-Value, the new calculation engine will allow to perform a dynamic calculation using the boundary conditions of the project site to identify the real extreme operating conditions and verify for these conditions any problems of maximum temperatures, and also providing information on comfort and energy behavior. The calculation tool will be tested by renowned industrial partners and façades to verify its functionality and potential.

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