
Giorgio Belluardo

Giorgio Belluardo

Giorgio Belluardo

Technical Group Leader
Institute for Renewable Energy

T +39 0471 055 626


Main fields of activity

  • Tests of products, prototypes, materials in the fields of technology, efficient building systems and solar energy
  • Design and development of monitoring systems
  • Laboratory Accreditation and PV Performance at STC (MQT 06.1) test certification under ISO 17025 requirements

Short CV:

Giorgio Belluardo is the Coordinator of the Renewable Energy Laboratory Group of Eurac Research in Bolzano. He holds a PhD in Photovoltaics and worked for many years as Junior and Senior Researcher in the Photovoltaic Systems Group, topic Performance and Reliability of Photovoltaic Systems and Modules. He is member of the Italian Electrotechnical Committee - Technical Commitee 82.


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EU H2020 MEZeroE - Misurare prodotti e sistemi di involucro per contribuire alla prossima ...

Duration: - Funding:
Societal Challenge (Horizon 2020 /EU funding /Project)

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