EDIS - Vecchie e nuove minoranze

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Nel quadro del nesso tra vecchie e nuove minoranze, il presente progetto di ricerca impiega il concetto di "società integrata" con l'obiettivo di esplorare nuove ed esistenti politiche e quadri normativi per equilibrare unità e diversità basate sui diritti umani e delle minoranze. Nel contesto della governance della diversità e delle società integrate, la nostra ricerca si concentra su tre diversi aspetti: in primo luogo, ci basiamo sulle conoscenze esistenti sulle sinergie tra vecchie e nuove minoranze, specialmente nei territori autonomi abitati da gruppi storici, esaminando sia le sinergie teoriche ma soprattutto empiriche tra vecchi e nuovi gruppi minoritari e gli approcci comuni per governare la diversità. In secondo luogo, studiamo le misure di accomodamento come strumenti principali per rafforzare la convivenza e la tolleranza: obiettivo principale  è quello di esaminare i casi e le decisioni di organi giudiziari e non giudiziari sovranazionali, sottolineando il ruolo proattivo di tutti gli attori coinvolti, in particolare giudici nazionali e internazionali, autorità pubbliche, datori di lavoro, autorità scolastiche, e singoli individui, come mediatori e promotori di sistemi di accomodamento. In terzo luogo, conduciamo un'analisi critica dei valori comuni (art. 2 TUE), della loro rilevanza e della loro trasmissione per una società integrata, studiando anche le prospettive, i bisogni, e gli interessi di diversi attori.  In quarto luogo, studiamo come mitigare i potenziali impatti negativi dei modelli di intelligenza artificiale (AI) e di apprendimento automatico (ML) sulle minoranze.

The Roma in Europe: Between diversity and social disadvantage: Comparative perspectives from the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
Medda-Windischer R (2023)
Contributo in un libro
Europäisches Minderheitenrecht: Festschrift für Professor Gilbert Gornig Band I
Empowering survivors: The urgent need to eliminate sexual violence in conflict zones
Budabin A, Piras E (2023)

Ulteriori informazioni: https://www.eurac.edu/en/blogs/imagining-futures/empowering- ...


Minorities in conflict settings, desecuritization and deradicalization
Medda-Windischer R (2023)
Heritage Politics in the Case of Black Lives Matter in Bolzano-Bozen, Italy
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: 2023 Joint Convening of the Social Practice of Human Rights Conference and the 6th International Conference on the Right to Development | Dayton, OH | 2.11.2023 - 4.11.2023

Language Rights and Duties for New Minorities: Integration through Diversity Governance
Medda-Windischer R (2023)

Conference: Conference, Language, society & identity in diverse ethnolinguistic contexts – LOEWE Research Cluster - Minority Studies| Language and Identity (Goethe University, Frankfurt) | Frankfurt : 9.6.2023 - 10.6.2023

Fundamental Rights and New Minorities: Diversity Governance and Social Cohesion from the Perspective of Minority Rights
Medda-Windischer R (2023)

Conference: Are Minority Rights (Still) Human Rights? (University of Belgrade and Lantos Institute) | Belgrade | 28.9.2023 - 29.9.2023

Exploring Strategies for Transnational Advocacy by Minority Representatives at the UN
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: What Next? 30 Years After the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities | Brighton | 11.5.2023 - 11.5.2023

"Governing migration and migrant integration in minority regions” and “ Minority Regions and Migration: A Group Role Play”
Medda-Windischer R, Zeba M (2023)

Conference: SECUREU Summer School 2023 | Bolzano | 2.7.2023 - 8.7.2023

How Intersectional Frames Matter for Minority Women Representatives at the United Nations
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: ECMI Workshop MInority Women and Intersectionality | Flensburg | 10.7.2023 - 11.7.2023

Intersectionality, Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Fairness: an Oxymoron or a Reality?
Medda-Windischer R, Crepaz Katharina (2023)

Conference: Workshop Minority Women and Intersectionality| A Renewed Research Agenda? (ECMI, Flensburg) | Flensburg : 10.7.2023 - 11.7.2023

How Frames Matter for Transnational Advocacy by Minority Representatives at the UN
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: Workshop Challenges and Opportunities in Global and Transnational Advocacy, John Hopkins SAIS Europe | Bologna | 8.5.2023 - 9.5.2023

Ulteriori informazioni: ,

Nuove sfide dell´autonomia altoatesina fra minoranze e migrazione
Medda-Windischer R (2023)

Conference: Italian Constitutional Law and Regional Law`, ref. Prof. Esther Happacher, University of Innsbruck | Innsbruck | 16.1.2023 - 16.1.2023

Lessons on Corporate and Celebrity Communication from Batman saves the Congo
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: Institutional Communication Course, Faculty of Economics and Management, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | Bolzano | 13.12.2023 - 13.12.2023

How to Exhibit Competing Narratives: Confronting Legacies of Conflict and/or Sustaining Social Cleavages
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: Staging Democracy| How Culture and Creativity Stimulate Democratic Engagement | Bolzano : 3.12.2023 - 4.12.2023

Ulteriori informazioni: https://www.unibz.it/en/events/staging-democracy-how-culture ...

North South Dynamics related to advancing the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda
Budabin AC (2023)

Conference: Course on Gender Justice, Università degli Studi di Milano | Milano | 28.11.2023 - 28.11.2023

Changing Perspectives in Minority Studies: A Human Rights Model of Diversity Governance for Old and New Minorities
Medda-Windischer R (2022)
Contributo in un libro
Law and Politics: Festschrift für Joseph Marko


Section 2 Special Focus: Covid-19 and Minorities - Introduction

Medda-Windischer R (2022)
Articolo su rivista
European Yearbook of Minority Issues Online

Ulteriori informazioni: https://doi.org/10.1163/22116117_005


Autonomie und Minderheitenschutz
Medda-Windischer R, Palermo F, Woelk J, Crepaz K (2022)

Conference: Stärke durch Wandel – Più forza dal cambiamento. 50 Jahre II. Autonomiestatut und seine Zukunft/Il cinquantenario del Secondo Statuto di Autonomia e il futuro | Bozen/Bolzano | 25.5.2022 - 26.5.2022

Fundamental Rights and Non-EU Minorities: From an Ambiguous Concept to an Integrated Society?
Medda-Windischer R, Crepaz K (2022)
Contributo in un libro
Research Handbook on Minority Politics in the European Union
Diversity, minorities and concerted solutions in times of crisis: A case study from rural minoritized
communities in Italy
Medda-Windischer R, Maino F (2022)

Conference: “Minorities in Times of Scarcity and Conflict”, organized by Centre for Minorities Research, University of St Andrews | Edinburgh | 8.6.2022 - 8.6.2022

Nuove sfide dell’autonomia: immigrazione, minoranze, integrazione
Medda-Windischer R (2022)

Conference: 50 years Autonomy Statute Anniversary Conference | Bolzano/Bozen | 25.5.2022 - 26.5.2022

Principi e regole europee su diritto all’abitare e comunità Rom/Sinte
Medda-Windischer R (2022)

Conference: “Sinti| Popolo presente ma sconosciuto” - organised by Nevodrom | Bolzano/Bozen : 29.4.2022 - 29.4.2022

Old and new minorities in autonomous territories: main challenges, new perspectives
Medda-Windischer R (2022)

Conference: 2022 Eurac Summer School on Human Rights, Minorities and Diversity Governance | Bolzano/Bozen | 4.7.2022 - 16.9.2022

The House of Common Values: Training on the board game
Medda-Windischer R, Zeba M (2022)

Conference: Common Values and Integration - organised by Province of Bolzano/Bozen | Bolzano/Bozen | 2.4.2022 - 2.4.2022

Migration and Autonomy in South Tyrol
Medda-Windischer R (2022)
Minority Regions and Migration: A Group Role Play
Medda-Windischer R, Crepaz K (2022)

Conference: 2022 Eurac Summer School on Human Rights, Minorities and Diversity Governance | Bolzano/Bozen | 4.7.2022 - 16.9.2022

Ulteriori informazioni: https://summerschool.eurac.edu/

Autonomia, minoranze e migrazione. Dall’integrazione alla società integrata: un percorso ancora incompiuto
Medda-Windischer R (2022)
Contributo in un libro
Politika 22: Südtiroler Jahrbuch für Politik / Annuario di politica dell'Alto Adige: Stärke durch Wandel. 50 Jahre Zweites Autonomiestatut und seine Zukunft / Più forza dal cambiamento. Il cinquantenario del Secondo Statuto di Autonomia e il suo futuro
At the intersection of language, conflict, and security: Theoretical and empirical perspectives
Medda-Windischer R, Carlà A (2022)
Articolo su rivista
Language Problems and Language Planning


Common Values for a New Vision of Europe: Utopia or Dystopia?
Medda-Windischer R, Carlà A (2021)

Conference: CES 27th International Conference of Europeanists | online | 21.6.2021 - 25.6.2021


Old and New Minorities: Diversity Governance and Social Cohesion from the Perspective of Minority Rights
Medda-Windischer R (2021)
Contributo in un libro
Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Grundrechte und Solidarität in Österreich und in Europa: Festgabe zum 85. Geburtstag von Professor Heinrich Neisser, einem europäischen Humanisten


Different Types of Diversity, Similar Claims? A Regional Comparison of "old" and "new" Minorities
Crepaz K (2021)

Conference: ECPR General Conference 2021 | online | 30.8.2021 - 3.9.2021


Building Social Cohesion on Common Values. Migration and Diversity through the Experience of a Cross-border Project (EUMINT)
Medda-Windischer R (2021)

Conference: “Post-covid-19 socio-economic recovery strategies| Urban and territorial development for social cohesion, organised by the European Union Program for Social Cohesion in Latin America, EUROsociAL +, UN HABITAT | : 26.5.2021 - 27.5.2021


Civic Integration for Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Building on Common Values
Medda-Windischer R, Carlá A (2021)

Conference: 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference - Crossing borders, connecting cultures | Luxembourg | 7.7.2021 - 9.7.2021


Linguistic integration indicators as a tool for linguistic justice : Evaluating the implementation of Ljubljana Guidelines-based policies through indicators
Medda-Windischer R, Spiliopoulou Åkermark S (2021)

Conference: Nitobe Symposium 2021 – Language and Conflicts (Ulster University, Northern Ireland) | | 24.7.2021 - 26.7.2021


Traditional Instruments and New Challenges: The Squaring of the Circle?
Medda-Windischer R, Wonisch K (2021)

Conference: 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions | Pisa | 30.8.2021 - 3.9.2021


European Civic Integration and Common Values: The Experience of a Board Game
Medda-Windischer R, Carlà A (2021)
Articolo su rivista
Peace Human Rights Governance

Ulteriori informazioni: https://phrg.padovauniversitypress.it/2021/1/1



Local Governance and EU Fundamental Values: A perspective from Civic Integration in South Tyrol
Medda-Windischer R, Carlà A (2021)

Conference: Towards an inclusive governance of “EU fundamental values”, University of Padova | Padova | 8.11.2021 - 9.11.2021

Minoranze: Pace e Coesione Sociale
Medda-Windischer R (2021)

Conference: “Minoranza| il valore della diversità linguistica e culturale e il suo rapporto con la democrazia”, Ciclo di incontri “Dialoghi con le Minoranze” Provincia Autonoma di Trento | Trento : 25.11.2021 - 25.11.2021

Religious and Linguistic Minorities and the European Court of Human Rights: Between Restrictive Measures and Concerted Solutions
Medda-Windischer R (2021)
Articolo su rivista
Europa Ethnica

Ulteriori informazioni: https://elibrary.utb.de/doi/abs/10.24989/0014-2492-2021-12-3 ...



Civic Integration: Building on Common Values
Medda-Windischer R (2020)

Conference: EUMINT Final Conference (Webinar) | Bolzano | 21.10.2020 - 21.10.2020


The Austrian Islam Law, 2015: Origins, Enforcement, Interpretations
Wonisch K (2020)

Conference: The Austrian Islam Law, 2015| Origins, Enforcement, Interpretations | Trento : 29.5.2020 - 29.5.2020


Rapporto sulle migrazioni - Alto Adige 2020
Medda-Windischer R, Membretti A (2020)
Bolzano/Bozen: Eurac Research
Monografia (curatore)


Anti-discrimination and Equality
Medda-Windischer R, Tomaselli A, Wonisch K (2020)
The Hague: OSCE/HCNM
Contributo in un libro
Mapping Integration Indicators: a Reference Tool for Evaluating the Implementation of Ljubljana Guidelines-based Policy, Report commissioned by the HCNM/OSCE


Società, lingua, religione
Medda-Windischer R, Mitterhofer J (2020)
Bolzano/Bozen,: Eurac Research
Contributo in un libro
Rapporto sulle migrazioni - Alto Adige 2020

Ulteriori informazioni: http://www.eurac.edu/it/research/Publications/Pages/dossier/ ...


Mapping Integration Indicators: a Reference Tool for Evaluating the Implementation of Ljubljana Guidelines-based Policy, Report commissioned by the HCNM/OSCE
Medda-Windischer R, Spiliopoulou Åkermark S, Schulte F, Cramer Marsal F (2020)
The Hague: OSCE/HCNM
Monografia (curatore)

Ulteriori informazioni: http://www.eurac.edu/en/research/projects/Documents/Report-M ...



Superdiversity and sub-national autonomous regions: Perspectives from the South Tyrolean case
Medda-Windischer R (2020)
Contributo in un libro
Superdiversity, Policy and Governance in Europe: Multi-scalar Perspectives

Ulteriori informazioni: https://policy.bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/superdiversity-p ...


Mapping Integration Indicators: Quantitative or Qualitative Approaches ?
Medda-Windischer R, Spiliopoulou Åkermark S

Conference: “Data-driven human rights research” University of Padova | Padova | 9.11.2020 - 11.11.2020


Language Rights and Protection of Linguistic Minorities: International Legal Instruments, their Development and Implementation
Medda-Windischer R, Constantin S (2020)
Contributo in un libro


Neue Rechte in Südtirol
Wonisch K (2019)

Ulteriori informazioni: https://tvthek.orf.at/profile/Suedtirol-heute/1277675/Suedti ...

Regional Citizenship: A Tool for the Inclusion of Third-Country Nationals In Subnational Entities
Medda-Windischer R, Kössler K (2019)

Conference: EUI Annual Conference, The Value of Citizenship for Individuals and States | Fiesole/Firenze | 21.11.2019 - 22.11.2019


Project Team
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CUTE Autonomy

ABI - Autonomia culturale e territoriale

Duration: - Funding: Internal funding EURAC (Project)

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Institute's Projects
