Live event
Federal coalitions and subnational democracy: India, Argentina, South Africa
Public Lecture
Garbage - An Interdisciplinary Problem
Wie kann das Ernährungssystem in Südtirol nachhaltiger gestaltet werden?
19th Eurasian Grassland Conference
International tourism conference
73rd AIEST Conference of Ideas
Global Tourism Futures: Destination Heritage or Destination Future?
The Energy Gamble: Transatlantic friends or foes?
Who’s Got the Power? Designing Effective Campaigns to Build Intersectional Solidarity
Bullshit – Warum er überall ist und was wir dagegen tun können
Eurac Summer School on human rights, minorities and diversity governance 2024
La salute del viaggiatore. Quando gli ambienti sono "straordinari".
Fiumicina - Experimenting with the Sun
Partecipazione e innovazioni democratiche in Italia
La salute del viaggiatore
17. Interdisziplinäres Doktorandenkolloquium (IDK)
Coltiviamo I nostri legami
Navigating change. The resilience of territorial autonomy
Nuovo laboratorio outdoor per la produzione di prototipi di moduli fotovoltaici
2a Conferenza Rete Italiana del Fotovoltaico