
Valentina Coia

Valentina Coia

Valentina Coia

Senior Researcher
Institute for Mummy Studies

T +39 0471 055 562


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"Celts" up & down the Alps: Origin and Mobility patterns on both sides of the Alps during the Late ...

Duration: - Funding:
Provincial P.-L.P. 14. Research projects (Province BZ funding /Project)

MAGAZINE Science Stories that Inspire

Individuals from the early Middle Ages found in the cemetery of Santo Stefano

Individuals from the early Middle Ages found in the cemetery of Santo Stefano

Analyses by Eurac Research have revealed high genetic diversity and kinship links from remains

Dark skin, bald head, Anatolian ancestry: The latest findings from the Iceman’s genome

“The fact that Ötzi is 92 percent Anatolian may come as a surprise to many”

“The fact that Ötzi is 92 percent Anatolian may come as a surprise to many”

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