Science at the border of art

A series by the Center for Advanced Studies in the art magazine "stayinart"

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Credit: Eurac Research | Valeria von Miller

The series "Science at the border of art" shows examples of current border crossings between science and art. The series is published by the Center for Advanced Studies for the renowned art magazine stayinart Zurich-Innsbruck-Vienna.

"We want to fascinate by uniting art into a large ensemble consisting of many individual elements that inspire, diversify and characterise each other, beyond predefined patterns," write Magdalena Froner and Hugo V. Astner, the editors and ideators behind the art magazine stayinart. They want to provide open space for as many perspectives as possible - with the series "Science at the border of art" also open space for science.

"Science is increasingly confronted with challenges that can only be solved through inter- and transdisciplinary competences," emphasises Roland Benedikter. He is co-director of the Center for Advanced Studies and editor of the new series. "Art, for its part, becomes more scientific the more it turns to the contemporary threshold between humans and technology," he says. This is already shown by the concept of information, which - like the word "information" itself - has to do with "in-building" (in-formare), i.e. with power of building ideas into reality, i.e. with imagination (according to German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe). Process and design thinking are becoming more important, which includes working with growing uncertainty and changeability. This naturally brings science closer to art. Both work - in properties and practices - on a "social sculpture".

Selected texts from the art magazine stayinart are now available as podcasts. Among them you will find the latest contributions from our series "Science on the border to art".

Published articles

Maria Lassnig und der organlose Körper

By Christoph Kircher
The e-paper of the issue TOUR OF EUROPE
can be found HERE.

Vom Erbe des Kolonialismus zum Ökofeminismus: Kunst im Wandel

By Giulia Isetti and Mirjam Gruber
The e-paper of the special issue BIENNALE ARTE
can be found HERE.

Third Places: Dritte Orte für Kunst, Kultur und Begegnung

By Zoe Krueger Weisel and Mila Miletić
The e-paper of the issue THE NEW WORLD 1/24
can be found HERE.

Zur Zukunft des alpinen Tourismus - Ein Plädoyer für Kunst am Berg

By Harald Pechlaner
The e-paper of the issue LIGHT | DARKNESS 4/23
can be found HERE.

Das Recht der Natur auf Stadt

By Alex Putzer and Katja Schechtner
The e-paper of the issue AT REST | IN MOTION 3/23
can be found HERE.

Disneyland oder Destination Design?

By Greta Erschbamer
The e-paper of the issue UNITY | PLURALITY 2/23
can be found HERE.

Kunstmarkt ist auch Geldwäsche

By Roland Benedikter
The e-paper of the issue LIMITED | UNLIMITED 1/23
can be found HERE.

Kunst für eine postfaktische Welt

By Elisa Piras
The e-paper of the issue LIMITED | UNLIMITED 1/23
can be found HERE.

Rockmusik im Sozialismus

By Dariusz Wojtaszyn
The e-paper of the issue AFFINITY 4/22
can be found HERE.

Die Kunst der Partizipation

By Silvia Gigante
The article featured in the issue REFLECTION 3/22
can be found HERE.

Weg mit dem Zank(granat)apfel!

By Giulia Isetti
The e-paper of the issue NATURAL POWER 2/22
can be found HERE.

A Room of One’s Own – Kunst und Geschlecht im (digitalen) Raum

By Katharina Crepaz
The e-paper of the issue PASSION 1/22
can be found HERE.

Pollocks Luzifer. Eine Lektüre in Zeiten globaler Systemverschiebung

By Roland Benedikter
can be found HERE.

Die Kunst im rechten Licht

By Mirjam Gruber
The e-paper of the issue BEYOND BORDERS
can be found HERE.

Ceci n’est pas un texte

By Maximilian Walder
The e-paper of the issue CONNECTEDNESS
can be found HERE.

Die Kunst und die Menschenrechte

By Linda Ghirardello and Martina Genetti
The e-paper of the issue PIONEERING
can be found HERE.

Existenzielle Risiken für die Menschheit

By Michael de Rachewiltz
The e-paper of the issue HIGHSPEED
can be found HERE.

May you not live in uncertain times

By Andreas Dibiasi
The e-paper of the issue COSMOPOLITAN
can be found HERE.


By Roland Benedikter and Petra Weider
The article featured in the issue GLAMOUR
can be found HERE.