Center for Climate Change and Transformation - News & Events - Launch of the new Climate Risk Sourcebook
Launch of the new Climate Risk Sourcebook
- English
Today the new Climate Risk Sourcebook (CR-SB) will be launched at the Adaptation Futures Conference.
Eurac’s Research Center for Climate Change and Transformation has been working closely with GIZ, UNU-EHS, GeoSphere Austria and IIASA to develop the new CR-SB, a framework for Climate Risk Assessments (CRAs) combining scientifically sound analysis and participative elements.
The guidelines were updated to be consistent with the most recent IPCC report (AR6), introducing external risk drivers, impact/risk cascades and systemic risks, a new chapter on how CRAs inform Climate Risk Management (CRM) by defining entry points for Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), an updated and extended chapter on stakeholder engagement, an expanded chapter on gender and differential vulnerability as well as a detailed explanation of the concept of climate risk impact chains.
You can access the Climate Risk Sourcebook here.