
Using remote sensing for measuring indicators of the German Strategy for climate change adaptation

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The project aims to identify possibilities of remote sensing data and products, especially provided by European’s Copernicus programme, to assess and monitor climate change impacts and adaptation. On behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) of Germany, the project screens the indicator system of the German strategy for climate change adaptation (DAS) to evaluate the suitability and applicability of satellite remote sensing. It analyses current datasets and products provided by the Copernicus services Land Monitoring, Atmosphere Monitoring, Marine Monitoring and Climate Change in terms of their spatial and temporal coverage and resolution, as well as their operationality and possible constraints for measuring the indicators. Based on this analysis, the results will also recommend possible future Copernicus products suitable for assessing climate change impacts and adaptation that can and should be included into the Copernicus programme, particularly into the climate change service that is currently under development.

The Institute for Applied Remote Sensing is involved in every work package of the project. It focuses on the systematic analysis of satellite data and products provided by Copernicus and their evaluation in terms of the applicability for climate change impact and adaptation monitoring.

Contact person: Daniel Becker

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Daniel Becker

Daniel Becker

Project Manager
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RETURN - multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate

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