Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board of the Institute for Regional Development is composed by 4 internationally known experts, which are elected every 4 years.

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Evey year the Institute for Regional Development organizes a meeting with their Scientific Advisory Board members. Their role is to evaluate the institute's present, future and closed scientific work, to give evaluation feedback and recommendation for future research projects.

Currently, the insitute's Board consists of:

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Dr. Alessandra Proto

Head of OECD Trento Centre for Local Development at OECD - OCDE. She leads the activities of the Cultural & Creative Industries and the development of the Spatial Productivity Lab.

Prof. Beatrice Durrer-Eggerschwiler

Hochschule Luzern, Institute for Sociocultural Development, lecturer and project manager, person in charge for the Competence Centre for Urban and Regional Development.

ao Univ. Prof. Dr. Georg Hauger

A.o. Univ. Prof. at the University of Vienna (TU Wien), Department of Spatial Development, Infrastructure and Environmental Planning, Head of the Department for Transport System Planning.

Dr. Peter Kasal

Director of the Department of Landscape Planning of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.