Burundi - IOM

Multi-Hazard Assessment and Risk Mapping in Burundi

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  • Italiano

The project is financed by the International Organization of Migration (IOM) and aims at providing a multi-hazard risk assessment of the country of Burundi at national and provincial scale, also considering the effect of climate change. Main hazards considered include:
-    earthquakes,
-    torrential rains,
-    pluvial and fluvial floods and
-    landslides.
The project will be carried out by an international consortium led by a Spanish company (IDOM).  
EURAC will be responsible for
-    harmonization of geospatial exposure data (support to coordinator)
-    landslides hazard and risk assessment,
-    social vulnerability assessment and multi-hazard risk analysis
The strategic objective is to consolidate expertise and methodologies for:
-    large scale landslide risk
-    multi-hazard risk assessment
-    social vulnerability analysis

contact person: Massimiliano Pittore massimiliano.pittore@eurac.edu

The activities of the Burundi project have resulted in a new multi-hazard risk analysis being carried out at national and local scale. To bridge the gap in data availability, local authoritative sources have been integrated by international and global resources. A uptodate exposure model has been implemented, and complemented by an innovative socio-economical analysis. Furthermore, a data-driven statistical susceptibility model for shallow landslides has been derived at national scale.

Project funded by

Safeguarding Mountains: Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in Global Mountainous Social-Ecological Systems
Fontanella Pisa P, Pittore M, Wong I, Rai S (2021)

Conference: REMTECH | Ferrara | 20.9.2021 - 21.9.2021


Credits: undefined