Building Resilience Amongst Communities in Europe
- Deutsch
- English
- Italiano
- Project duration: -
- Project status: finished
- Funding: Cooperation (FP7 /EU funding /Project)
- Institutes: Center for Climate Change and Transformation, Institute for Earth Observation
emBRACE was a 4-year EC’s (European Commission) FP7 project with the aim to improve community resilience in the context of disasters in Europe. To reach this aim, the project developed a resilience framework and methods for the evaluation of resilience that integrated non-structural measures such as the political context, risk governance, the institutional cooperation and communication aspects.
Based on the theoretical framework project partners developed indicators that allows to measure resilience towards natural hazards. The developed methodology was tested and ground-truthed by means of 6 well-chosen case studies across Europe, exposed to different natural hazards, situated in different governance settings and socio-demographic-economic contexts.
Eurac Research was one of 10 project partners coming from 6 European countries. Eurac Research was responsible for the development of resilience indicators and for the Alpine case study that had its focus on risk perception and risk management. Within this study, Eurac Research carried out a population survey in the aftermath of a landslide event in Badia as well as interviews with key risk management actors.
Taylor R, Forrester J, Pedoth L, Zeitlyn D (2022)
Journal article
Humanities & Social Sciences Communications
More information: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-022-01304-3
Pregnolato M, Petitta M, Schneiderbauer S (2018)
Contribution in book
Framing Community Disaster Resilience: resources, capacities, learning and action
More information: https://www.wiley.com/en-ad/Framing+Community+Disaster+Resil ...
Pedoth L, Taylor R, Kofler C, Stawinoga A, Forrester J, Matin N, Schneiderbauer S (2018)
Contribution in book
Framing Community Disaster Resilience: resources, capacities, learning and action
Forrester J, Taylor R, Pedoth L, Matin N (2018)
Contribution in book
Framing Community Disaster Resilience: resources, capacities, learning and action
Deeming H, Fordham M, Kuhlicke C, Pedoth L, Schneiderbauer S, Shreve C (2018)
Edited book
More information: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/97811191660 ...
Becker D, Schneiderbauer S, Forrester J, Pedoth L (2018)
Contribution in book
Framing Community Disaster Resilience: resources, capacities, learning and action
Kruse S, Abeling T, Deming H, Fordham M, Forrester J, Jülich S, Karanci N A, Kuhlicke C, Pelling M, Pedoth L, Schneiderbauer S, Sharpe J (2018)
Contribution in book
Framing Community Disaster Resilience: resources, capacities, learning and action