Risk Communication Strategies

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Project funded by

Interreg Italia-Österreich

Integral risk management (IRM) consists of all the measures used to address natural hazards. Two important pillars of IRM are risk perception in the population and efficient communication between the various actors that deal with risk. To manage natural hazards successfully, we need to understand what influences risk perception and how to communicate those risks and potential mitigation measures.

In this context, RiKoST, a project financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the frame of the Interreg V-A Italy-Austria 2014-2020 Program, aims at improved, target-group-oriented risk communication by means of tailored risk communication strategies and tools.

As one of three partners alongside the Agency for Civil Protection of Bolzano – South Tyrol (Lead Partner) and the Regional Government of Carinthia (Austria), Eurac Research has a role in all work packages:

-        Status quo analysis

-        Surveys on risk perception and risk communication

-        Development and implementation of an IT-based interactive platform on natural hazards

-        Training courses and awareness campaigns

RiKoST supports the improvement of risk communication and risk awareness in border regions of South Tyrol and Carinthia and authorities in the development and implementation of risk communication strategies. Within RiKoST, particular importance will be given to the presence of multilingualism, vulnerable population groups and socio-cultural aspects. The continuous exchange of information with existing initiatives such as the EUSALP Action Group 8 and the Alpine Convention platform for natural hazards PLANALP will ensure a multiplication of results and their use beyond the project’s lifetime.

Contact person: Lydia Pedoth (lydia.pedoth@eurac.edu)

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Knowledge and perception of natural hazards: results from population surveys to innovate risk communication
Pedoth L, Stawinoga AE, Koboltschnig G, Gallmetzer G, Macconi P, Hartmann S, Schneiderbauer S, Damyanovic D (2021)

Conference: Interpraevent 2021 | Online | 31.5.2021 - 2.6.2021


Fare formazione sul rischio da pericoli naturali nelle scuole: indicazioni a partire dalle attività del progetto RiKoST in Alto Adige
Carnelli F (2021)

Conference: Le Alpi e i rischi da pericoli naturali| la comunicazione come tema strategico | Online : 18.3.2021 - 18.3.2021


RiKoST: Risk communication strategies

Carnelli F, Pedoth L (2021)

Conference: The 2nd EU Macro Regional Strategies Week #EUMRS Week | Online | 1.3.2021 - 5.3.2021


Enhancing risk governance by addressing key risk communication barriers during the prevention and preparedness phase in South Tyrol (Italy)
Carnelli F, Pedoth L (2021)

Conference: The Fifth Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies | Sundsvall | 21.9.2021 - 23.9.2021


Improving Risk Communication Strategies through Public Awareness and Engagement: Insights from South Tyrol and Carinthia
Pedoth L, Carnelli F, Koboltschnig G, Krenn P, Rudloff A, Gallmetzer W, Macconi P, Marangoni N (2021)
Contribution in book
Protective Forests as Ecosystem-Based Solution for Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR)

More information: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.99517



Knowledge and perception of natural hazards: results from population surveys to innovate risk communication
Pedoth L, Stawinoga AE, Koboltschnig G, Gallmetzer G, Macconi P, Hartmann S, Schneiderbauer S, Damyanovic D (2021)
Conference proceedings article

Conference: Interpraevent 2021 | Online | 31.5.2021 - 2.6.2021

More information: https://gyroconference.no/workspace/interpraevent/documents/ ...



Transformative natural hazard risk education – An approach to link risk communication and sustainability education within the framework of current societal challenges
Rudloff A, Pedoth L, Fritsch U (2019)

Conference: International Mountain Conference | Innsbruck | 8.9.2019 - 12.9.2019


The Role of Risk Communication in Risk Governance: From Research to Practice
Hartmann S, Pedoth L, Schneiderbauer S, Rudloff A, Gallmetzer W, Macconi P, Koboltschnig G (2019)

Conference: International Mountain Conference | Innsbruck | 8.9.2019 - 12.9.2019


Natural hazard risk education within the framework of current societal challenges – A case study for South Tyrol
Rudloff A, Pedoth L, Fritsch U (2019)

Conference: International Mountain Conference | Innsbruck | 8.9.2019 - 12.9.2019


Risk Communication and Risk Perception in South Tyrol and Carinthia – Recommendations for Improved Risk Communication Strategies
Hartmann S, Pedoth L, Schneiderbauer S, Stawinoga A, Rudloff A, Gallmetzer W, Macconi P, Koboltschnig G (2019)

Conference: International Mountain Conference | Innsbruck | 8.9.2019 - 12.9.2019


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