
DINALPCONNECT Final Conference

The DINALPCONNECT team is delighted to announce the DINALPCONNECT Final Conference

  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Italiano
  • Date: 20-21.12.2022, 8-19
  • Place: Eurac research
  • Typology: Hybrid
  • Info:

    The Conference will provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to exchange knowledge on various aspects of ecological connectivity.

    The Conference will include:

    • DINALPCONNECT contribution to improved ecological connectivity in the Adrion macro-region (overview of project outputs and long-term impact)
    • Presentation of the main outcomes of the DINALPCONNECT project by work packages
    • Ecological and Social Connectivity with an outlook and future perspective (round table)
    • Technical excursion on the 21st of December (the number is limited to 45 people maximum, so hurry up and grab your seat!)

    Due to the hybrid organization of the DINALPCONNECT Final Conference, all participants will be exempt from the Conference Fee. Participants are expected to cover the expenses of travel and accommodation in Bolzano, Italy.

    For more information and registration visit: https://eu.research.net/r/dinalpconnect



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