ServicesEducation & Training
Education & Training

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Education & Training

​​​Faithful to the motto “Continuing education for lifelong learners” Eurac Research is offering its know-how to a broader public of specialists and management executives. The department Education & Training​ offers compact courses and seminars in all areas of management and special seminars and degree curses based on the themes of Eurac Research​. In addition, the team organizes in-house seminars, trainings and workshops designed around the individual needs of companies or organizations.

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undefinedCredit: Eurac Research | Silke De Vivo

Offerta formativa per RUP 2024

Webinars - Per i seguenti corsi verranno assegnati crediti formativi validi per la formazione continua dei RUP secondo il Decreto ACP n. 1/2021


Professional Project Management

Preparazione Certificazione internazionale IPMA / Sono stati richiesti punti ECM e crediti per Ingegneri

undefinedCredit: Cecchellero Marco | All rights reserved

General Management Summer School @ Eurac Research

General Management Summer School 2024 Führung und Weiterentwicklung von Organisationen und Menschen


FACE - Façades Architecture Construction Engineering

(5th edition) EURAC Research offers a high specialization training course on Façade Architecture, Construction and Engineering (FACE).