Piattaforme, strumenti e sensori per l'osservazione ambientale: strategia e azioni per la sostenibilità a lungo termine

  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Italiano
  • Project duration: -
  • Project status: finished
  • Funding:
    Internal funding EURAC (Project)
  • Institute: Center for Sensing Solutions

Il progetto interno ESLAB PIVOTAL (Piattaforme, strumenti e sensori per l'osservazione ambientale: strategia e azioni per la sostenibilità a lungo termine) mira da un lato a stabilire una strategia per migliorare l'utilizzo, l'efficienza e la longevità dell'infrastruttura tecnologica esistente attraverso operazioni e manutenzione ottimali. Dall'altro, punta a favorire la partecipazione di attori regionali, nazionali e internazionali (come SMEs, gruppi di ricerca, ecc.) per motivare la creazione di nuove applicazioni e prodotti. 

Negli ultimi anni, la Provincia di Bolzano ha investito molte risorse per potenziare lo sviluppo della tecnologia come uno dei principali motori economici. Gli istituti di ricerca locali condividono questa strategia. Eurac contribuisce a questa visione promuovendo la ricerca applicata in diverse discipline: salute, energia, sistemi politici e sociali ben funzionanti, monitoraggio e comprensione dei processi nel nostro ambiente. Soprattutto per quest'ultimo tema, Eurac partecipa a diversi progetti utilizzando tecnologia. La capacità, l'esperienza e le conoscenze che ne derivano fanno dell'Eurac uno dei principali centri di ricerca internazionali specializzati nelle tematiche della montagna. Tuttavia, l'uso della tecnologia ha due principali svantaggi: la sostenibilità a lungo termine per mantenerli operativi e l'accesso e i benefici per la popolazione.



Sostenibilità a lungo termine dell'ESLab presso il NOI park

Centro competenze

Promuovere la collaborazione con il settore privato (R&S)

Progetti di ricerca e servizi indipendenti

Persone di riferimento: Roberto Monsorno, Abraham Mejia Aguilar;

  Activities description

WP1. Management

For every single project, it is necessary to invest time for organization and planning activities. It is especially critical when collaborators participate in more than one project. Time planning is crucial. It is necessary to assign resources to people who have more experience or are dedicated for this activity (e.g. project assistant).


Organization of resources (personnel and infrastructure)

Planning the strategy and activities (person, activity, deadlines)

Financial planning (accounting)

WP2. Operations and maintenance

Due to the fact that the ESLAB will host technology, it is necessary to administrate it in a proper way. It means, by using it correctly (guidelines), assigning time of use for specific projects (management), doing training (dissemination), using them for data collection (support for activities of research and development), exploiting new ideas (development) and building the strategy for keeping them for long term (maintenance).


Support for in-situ data collection

Support for test bed definitions

Organization and managements actions inside the laboratory

Annual calibration of equipment

WP3. Fostering innovation and products consolidation

The core of this project lies in this Wok package. The team should grow in a dynamic way and acquire scientific knowledge oriented for specific solutions. We will not create final products for consumers, but we will create prototypes that will be stable enough to reach technology readiness level (TRL) of basic demonstration (TRL 5). It is requested the participation of at least three international master students, because these people will be specifically oriented for one specific task in a continuous period. In consequence, it will strengthen our scientific network.


Fast prototyping

Processing on-demand

Web services - development and hosting

Ground sensing applications

Proximal sensing applications

WP4. Fostering networking and collaboration

The only way to be included in projects or development of products is by strengthening our current network. It is mandatory to do this for giving long sustainability to the laboratory. We need to participate in meetings, attending presentations of different groups, giving publicity to our products. Design of virtual platforms to open collaboration (social media, web pages, forums, etc.)


Permanent communication with Eurac research institutes

Permanent communication and collaboration with University of Bolzano faculties and groups

Extending our current network with different regional, national and international partners

Participation within the different ecosystems at NOI park

WP5. Dissemination

It is demonstrated that one of the best ways to give visibility and promotion to current activities, expertise and infrastructure is by doing dissemination. In this sense, it will be mandatory for the team to participate actively in scientific meetings, seminars, writing proposals, expressing ideas in regular monthly meetings (brain storming). Since we are growing in both directions either science or services, but need to protect our knowledge. We must write at least two journal publications during two year period and at least one copyright and/or patent (results of participation with companies).


Active participation of ESLAB group for seminars

Active participation of ESLAB group for writing proposals

Participation in international conferences

Publication of paper journals and preparation of copyright and/or patents

1.       Expected results for 2020


a.       Annual report (2020.12)


a.       Updated inventory for Hardware and Software (2020.12)

b.       Set up of training procedure

c.       Set up of price to access the lab form external users


a.       Services portfolio (2020.12)

d.       Master thesis (two  during 2020)

e.       Participation or declaration of support for projects / activities / services


a.       Letter of agreement of collaboration different groups

b.       Participation in new projects (at least one project is acquired)

c.       Participation on supporting activity reports for ecosystems at NOI


a.       At least one seminar per topic, per person

b.       Two conferences (for each MSc student)

c.       One journal papers (2020)

Vegetation traits of pre-Alpine grasslands in southern Germany
Schucknecht A, Kraemer A, Asam S, Mejia Aguilar A, Garcia-Franco N, Schuchardt MA, Jentsch A, Kiese R (2020)
Articolo su rivista
Scientific Data

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