Val di Seren

A Participated Strategic Plan to revitalize the Valley of Seren del Grappa

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The aim of this project is to encourage the local population and economical operators of Seren del Grappa to commonly develop a strategic development plan under scientific supervision of Eurac. This will help to define shared actions to sustain a medium-long term future of the valley. The strategic plan under the EURAC Institute of Regional Development and Location Management's represents a joint collaboration with the Alto Adige and Veneto foundation "Fondazione Val di Seren". Another goal of this project is to study possible development paths of the Seren del Grappa valley, which is an example of an alpine valley troubled by a state of depopulation and the devaluation of local wealth and basic economic resources. Hence, innovative actions will be applied to promote a socio-economical and regionally compatible development.

La viticoltura di montagna come leva per la rivitalizzazione socioeconomica delle aree montane marginali: il caso del vigneto sperimentale di Seren del Grappa
Omizzolo A, Maino F, Bona A, De Bacco M, Fanoni G (2017)
Conference proceedings article

Conference: Fifth International Congress on Mountain and Steep Slope Viticolture "Extreme viticulture| values, beauties, alliances, vulnerabilities" | Conegliano : 29.3.2017 - 1.4.2017

Marginal Mountain Areas: starting over from the Smart Communities. The Case Study of Seren del Grappa
Maino F, Omizzolo A, Streifeneder T (2017)

Conference: 2nc International Conference - “Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions” - SSPCR 2017 | Bolzano | 20.3.2017 - 22.3.2017

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