RETURN - multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate

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  • Italiano

The Extended Partnership (EP) RETURN - multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate - is created with respect to the theme “Environmental, natural and anthropogenic risks” to strengthen research chains at national level and to promote their participation in European and global strategic value chains. The EP RETURN will contribute to enforce the key competences, the technological and knowledge transfer, and to strengthen Italian governance in managing disaster risk, through the enhancement of basic knowledge (low TRL) towards technology application and exploitation (medium-high TRL), with the involvement of public administrations, stakeholders, and private companies. The main scientific objectives of the EP RETURN, pursuant with new challenges proposed by the National Research Plan (PNR) objectives and priorities, are: − A better UNDERSTANDING of Environmental, Natural and Anthropic Risks, as well as their interrelation with the effect of climate change effects. − Enhance risk prevision and methodologies for prevention, adaptation and mitigation. − Develop new methodologies/technologies for monitoring. − Foster a more efficient and sustainable use of data, products and services. − STRENGTHEN THE BRIDGE FROM RESEARCH TO FINAL PRODUCTS while transversally enhancing the competences, technological transfer, and service integration. The enhanced process understanding will improve the predictive skills and promote the effective use of planning and forecasting tools towards the development of an integrated framework, incorporating data from monitoring networks for different environmental, natural and anthropogenic hazards, handling with both traditional and advanced technologies, with background data (demographic registries, cadastral registries, land use chart and topographic maps), as strongly suggested by PNR. The use of such an integrated framework unlocks unprecedented opportunities in disaster risk management, removing the fragmentation of information and strengthening a holistic management within a multi-disciplinary culture. In such a way the EP RETURN aims to develop a common input exchange protocol among the different thematic areas to ensure interoperability of models developed within and across them.  

The project is financed by the Italian PNRR (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza). 

Project funded by

Hazard-Risk-Resilience Nexus in a cultural heritage-centered and socio-economic context
Fontanella Pisa P, Romagnoli F (2024)

Conference: "The fourth Silk Cities International conference| Intangible Heritage, Cities and Communities" | Tunisi : 4.3.2024 - 6.3.2024

Strengthening Community Resilience: Advancing Community-Based Approaches for DRR and CCA
Oberti B, Ravazzoli E (2024)

Conference: RETURN Dissemination Workshop | Turin | 1.2.2024 - 2.2.2024

Two-source energy balance modelling of evapotranspiration over complex terrain
Deidda P, Bartkowiak P, Castelli M (2024)

Conference: EGU24 General Assembly | Vienna | 14.4.2024 - 19.4.2024

More information:

Enhancing Community Resilience: Exploring Community-Based Approaches for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
Oberti B (2024)

Conference: Human Geographies of climate change adaptation | Bergen | 22.5.2024 - 23.5.2024

The Role of Trust in Disaster Risk Reduction: A Critical Review
Bonfanti RC, Oberti B, Ravazzoli E, Rinaldi A, Ruggieri S, Schimmenti A (2023)
Journal article
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

More information:

WP7.4: Community-Based (CB) approaches, codesign and policies
Oberti B, Ravazzoli E (2023)

Conference: Plenaria RETURN | Naples | 18.10.2023 - 19.10.2023

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