EU H2020 IMPETUS - Dynamic information Management approach for the implementation of climate resilient adaptation packages in European Regions

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  • Italiano

IMPETUS aims at accelerating EU’s transition towards climate neutrality by building resilience and adaptive capacity of local communities in 7 European biogeographical regions (Continental, Coastal, Mediterranean, Atlantic, Arctic, Boreal, Mountainous). The objective is to create and validate multi-level and cross-sectoral adaptation frameworks through the Resilience Knowledge Boosters (RKBs), digital and human spaces where the stakeholder communities will support decision and policy making. The community empowerment to co-design, monitor, and deploy climate adaptation pathways for each demonstration site will be complemented and enhanced by the scientific support of reliable and updated data.

Eurac Research is responsible for the managing of local partners' activities, stakeholders engagement and development of adaptation solutions in the Mountainous demo site (Valle dei Laghi, Italy). Moreover, Eurac is working on specific research topics, mainly activating Cultural Heritage to enhance climate resilience and improving integrated climate risk assessment and management through participatory approaches (applying the Impact Chains method).

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