Solar energy production & monitoring data from the PV-ABD plant

The production and meteo data from the ABD plant is inserted and regularly updated in an INFLUX database developed by Eurac Research. The production and meteo data have been collected since January 2011 and used in several collaborations and publications.

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PV test field for solar data collection

In cooperation with the Airport of Bolzano Dolomiti (ABD), Eurac Research has set up a multi-technology photovoltaic test facility for the detailed performance evaluation of different module technologies and mounting systems. The production and meteo data have been collected in an INFLUX database


Developed primarily for project developers, installers and financial institutions, the data is of high interest for all stakeholders who wish to evaluate the energetic behaviour of solar installations and determine the most suitable technology for their particular needs. Furthermore, the data is used by Eurac Research to enhance the simulation processes for its performance predictions of future sites.


The database is not free accessible. If interested please refer to the contacts below

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2024CERVINO Alpine Energy Data Platform.

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2022CERPlan - Cost Effective Renovation Plan

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2022BuiltHub: Web-based building knowledge platform

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2021EnerMaps open data tool

The EnerMaps Open Data Management Tool aims to improve data management and accessibility in the field of energy research ...

2021BIPV database

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2020TIMES Heat tool

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2019HIBERtool - Historic Building Energy Retrofit Tool

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2011Solar energy production & monitoring data from the PV-ABD plant

The production and meteo data from the ABD plant is inserted and regularly updated in an INFLUX database developed by ...