News & Events

Tiny FOP MOB: Unternehmenstalk und Schokokoffer in Schlanders

Tiny FOP MOB: Unternehmenstalk und Schokokoffer in Schlanders

Großer Anklang für den Start des Pilotprojekts im Vinschgau – Auf in die nächsten Pilotgemeinden!

Auftakt für das Projekt „Tiny FOP MOB“ in Schlanders

Auftakt für das Projekt „Tiny FOP MOB“ in Schlanders

Erfolgreiche Eröffnung und zuversichtlicher Blick in die Zukunft



A rolling Real-World Laboratory made of wood and hemp tours the Venosta Valley - Science and society work together on sustainable solutions

Futurological Congress

Interdisciplinary infotainment festival


Futurological Congress

Wachstum, Wohlstand, Transformation und Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus

Wachstum, Wohlstand, Transformation und Nachhaltigkeit im Fokus

Verschiedenste Themen und Aspekte der aktuellen Wachstums- und Transformationsdebatte in einem Band

Disjunctive Globalization and the Production of the Unhappy Consciousness

Public Lecture


Disjunctive Globalization and the Production of the Unhappy Consciousness

Bolzano 2030: una città che vede oltre le complessità e i confini

Bolzano 2030: una città che vede oltre le complessità e i confini

Dalle idee di chi vive oggi la città, preziose indicazioni al Comune per disegnare lo sviluppo urbano

Political Economy of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe



Political Economy of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe

Manfred Steger joins the Center for Advanced Studies as Distinguished Global Fellowvideo

Manfred Steger joins the Center for Advanced Studies as Distinguished Global Fellow

We are honored and excited to welcome Manfred B. Steger, Professor of Global and Transnational Sociology at the University of Hawaii-Mānoa as Distinguished Global Fellow 2021 at the Center for ...

Digitale Religion: Hilfsmittel, aber kein Ersatzvideo

Digitale Religion: Hilfsmittel, aber kein Ersatz

Online-Fachtagung von Eurac Research und der Diözese Bozen-Brixen thematisiert digitalen Wandel in der Kirche – Aktuelle Studie zur digitalen Seelsorge in Südtirol vorgestellt

Homo Digitalis: Critical Perspectives on Digital Society

Online Conference


Homo Digitalis: Critical Perspectives on Digital Society

Digital Religion III: The Virtual God

Online Conference


Digital Religion III: The Virtual God

What does Re-globalization mean?

What does Re-globalization mean?

New publications and upcoming conference "Understanding Globalization"

CAS goes School

CAS goes School

Vorträge zu nachhaltigem Tourismus und zur Wirtschaft Südtirols am Gymnasium „Walther von der Vogelweide“

Responsible and sustainable travelvideo

Responsible and sustainable travel

Online expert conference of the HGJ and the Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research - Study on the Future of Travel and Keynote by Harry Gatterer

How to build a better and greener world economy after the pandemicvideo

How to build a better and greener world economy after the pandemic

At the Global Mountain Sustainability Forum Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz underlined the need for stronger global cooperation and global solidarity. We have summarised his key messages in a short ...

INSTO members unite to provide data for tourism’s recoveryvideo

INSTO members unite to provide data for tourism’s recovery

The 2020 Global Virtual INSTO Meeting focused on the challenges of COVID-19, public health, product variations to lessen the impacts of the crisis, local and visitor satisfaction as well as on ...

Building expertise on Africa at Eurac Research

Building expertise on Africa at Eurac Research

Creating goals for sustainable area engagement for the benefit of local, regional, and supra-regional policy makers and institutions

Der Tourismus durchlebt einen radikalen Wandel

Fachtagung HGJ & Center for Advanced Studies


Der Tourismus durchlebt einen radikalen Wandel

How digitalisation is changing democracy and the economy

How digitalisation is changing democracy and the economy

Eurac Research, Steinbeis University and BASIS Vinschgau Venosta hosted an online conference in two acts: "Rethinking Democracy and Economy" and "Churburg Economic Talks 2.0"
