Fiscal Federalism

4a/2025 Fiscal federalism and territorial entities: analyses of recent problems and future perspectives

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The allocation of financial and fiscal powers and intergovernmental financial relations are central elements of the political systems of federal and regional states. Furthermore, the constitutional foundations of financial relations are from time to time under revision, in order to adapt them to frequent challenges that result from continuous reforms and political dynamics at the supranational and national spheres of economic governance. As such, fiscal federalism is a highly relevant political but also scientific topic.

In addition, financial issues play a pivotal role in featuring the intergovernmental systems as a whole. Consequently, questions related to the assignment of financial responsibilities, as well as the balancing of autonomy and solidarity have to be comprehensively addressed, in order to fully understand the functioning of compound systems.

Hence "Fiscal Federalism" is subject of an intense and worldwide discussion. Despite of its strategic relevance in the political debate, there is overall inadequate knowledge about the term and this could lead to overemphasize the political considerations instead of including the socio-economic consequences in the debate. This risk affects both the central institutions and the subnational levels (regions and local entities).

The project understands the term in a broad sense, as it describes the distribution of powers and the intergovernmental relations in fiscal and financial matters with reference to federal or quasi-federal orders as well as hybrids in general.

The projects contribution to the current debate in the field is twofold. First, it examines European and non-European states, with federal or strong decentralized structures, from a comparative and legal perspective, in order to determine the main characteristics, to select best practices and to identify legal solutions to common problems. Second, the project investigates the financial regime of the autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano, with the aim to detect the impact of the state reform on fiscal federalism as well as of the EU legislation and the EU economic governance on the degree of financial autonomy. In addition, in 2018/2019 the Institute plans to be engaged in the field of local finance combining a study of the case Trentino-South Tyrol with a wider comparative analysis.

Among the most relevant publications:

A. Valdesalici, Federalismo fiscale e responsabilizzazione politico-finanziaria. Comparazione giuridica ed esercizi di misurazione del diritto (ESI 2018).

A. Valdesalici, F. Palermo (eds.), Comparing Fiscal Federalism (Brill 2018).

A. Valdesalici, Autonomia finanziaria e specialità: un modello per sei sistemi ad alto tasso di differenziazione, in F. Palermo, S. Parolari (eds.), Le variabili della specialità. Evidenze e riscontri tra soluzioni istituzionali e politiche settoriali (ESI 2018), pp. 161-198.

A. Valdesalici, Features and trajectories of fiscal federalism in Italy, in: S. A. Lütgenau (ed.), Fiscal Federalism and Fiscal Decentralization in Europe. Comparative Case Studies on Spain, Austria, the United Kingdom and Italy (Studienverlag 2014), pp. 73-101.

F. Palermo, S. Parolari, A.Valdesalici (eds.), Federalismo fiscale e autonomie territoriali: lo stato dell’arte nell’Euregio Tirolo - Alto Adige/Südtirol – Trentino (Cedam 2013).

F. Palermo, M. Nicolini (eds.), Federalismo fiscale in Europa Esperienze straniere e spunti per il caso italiano (ESI 2012).

Several contributions in: "Le Istituzioni del Federalismo”, n. 1, 2012 (“Regioni a statuto speciale e federalismo fiscale”)

E. Alber, A.Valdesalici, Reforming fiscal federalism in Europe: where does the pendulum swing?, in L'Europe en Formation, n. 1, 2012, pp. 325-366.

S. Parolari, A. Valdesalici, La riforma dell’ordinamento finanziario in Italia tra autonomia e solidarietà, in REAF- Revista d'Estudis Autonòmics i Federals (peer reviewed journal), IEA - Institut d' Estudis Autonòmics, n. 14, 2011, 67-113

E. Alber, F. Palermo, S. Parolari (eds.), Federalismo fiscale: una sfida comparata (Cedam, 2011).

A. Valdesalici, Federalismo fiscale e autonomie speciali: il nuovo assetto finanziario del Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, in, n. 10, 2010.

L’autonomia provinciale alla prova delle esigenze di riequilibrio della finanza pubblica: cronistoria dell’evoluzione normativa e giurisprudenziale
Parolari S, Valdesalici A (2023)
Contribution in book
L’ordinamento finanziario del Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol

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L’ordinamento finanziario del Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
Valdesalici A (2023)
Milano: Franco Angeli
Edited book

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La Finanza territoriale: rapporto 2023
AA.VV. (2023)
Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino ed.
Edited book
Meccanismi perequativi e partecipazione subnazionale: paradigmi emergenti attraverso un’analisi costituzionale comparata
Valdesalici A, Romero Caro FJ (2023)
Contribution in book
La Finanza territoriale: rapporto 2023

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What makes equalization successful? Contestation through subnational participation in search for a (dynamic) equilibrium
Romero Caro FJ, Valdesalici A (2022)

Conference: The Law and Politics of Federalism | Montpelier | 29.4.2022 - 1.5.2022

Autonomia, crescita economica e sviluppi finanziari
Cerea G, Lun G, Magliaro A, Valdesalici A (2022)

Conference: Webinar series on South Tyrolean autonomy | Bolzano/Bozen (online) | 20.4.2022 - 20.4.2022

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Fiscal Federalism: [A Comparative Constitutional Overview between Theory and Practice]
Valdesalici A (2022)
Contribution in book
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism

More information:

Il regime della finanza pubblica provinciale: alla ricerca di un equilibrio tra principio pattizio ed esigenze di riequilibrio finanziario

Valdesalici A (2022)
Contribution in book
La specialità nella specialità

More information:

Where does financial responsibility lie? Emerging paradigms from a comparison between Germany and Spain
Valdesalici A (2021)

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Paradigms of Subnational Government Participation in Equalization Mechanisms: A Comparative and Constitutional Outlook
Romero Caro FJ, Valdesalici A (2021)

Conference: The Law & Politics of Federalism| Virtual Seminars | online event organized by Northwestern Pritzker School of Law ( : 14.10.2021 - 19.10.2021

Financial Relations in the Italian Regional System
Valdesalici A (2021)
Contribution in book
Federalism and Constitutional Law: The Italian Contribution to Comparative Regionalism

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Costituzioni finanziarie e riforme: Italia e Spagna a confronto
Palermo F, Parolari S, Valdesalici A (2020)
Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
(Ius publicum europaeum, nuova serie)
Edited book

Introduzione al volume: l'importanza di fare un bilancio
Parolari S, Valdesalici A (2020)
Contribution in book
Costituzioni finanziarie e riforme: Italia e Spagna a confronto

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Riforma del federalismo fiscale e Regioni speciali: gli opposti a volte si attraggono
Valdesalici A (2020)
Contribution in book
Costituzioni finanziarie e riforme: Italia e Spagna a confronto

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Fiscal Federalism
Kumar Sharma C, Valdesalici A (2020)
Contribution in book
Max Planck Encyclopaedia of Comparative Constitutional Law

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Measuring Fiscal Responsibility: from “Law in Books” to “Law in Action”
Valdesalici A (2020)
Contribution in book
The Value of Comparative Federalism: the Legacy of Ronald L. Watts

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The financial arrangement of South Tyrol (E-Learning Course: Autonomy of South Tyrol)
Valdesalici A (2020)

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Report on: Il ruolo peculiare di Bolzano quale centro principale e l’impatto sul fabbisogno nel settore socio‐assistenziale
Valdesalici A, Decarli P (2019)

Regionalismo differenziato e autonomie speciali: analogie reali o ipotetiche?
Valdesalici A, Parolari S (2019)

Conference: Aisre 2019 Annual Conference | L'Aquila | 16.9.2019 - 18.9.2019

Autonomia finanziaria e specialità regionale: un modello e sei ordinamenti giuridici
Valdesalici A (2019)

Conference: Italia e Spagna| Costituzioni finanziarie a confronto | Bolzano : 30.5.2019 - 31.5.2019

The peregrinations of fiscal federalism: past, present and future of a research agenda
Valdesalici A (2019)
Contribution in book
A Research Agenda for Federalism Studies

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L’impatto delle governance economica sull’autonomia finanziaria
Valdesalici A (2019)
Contribution in book
EU-Mitgliedschaft und Südtirols Autonomie II: die Auswirkungen der EU-Mitgliedschaft auf die Autonomie des Landes Südtirol am Beispiel ausgewählter Gesetzgebungs- und Verwaltungskompetenzen - eine Fortsetzung ; Handbuch

The political process as a benchmark of financial solidarity: beyond the fiscal Constitution?
Valdesalici A (2019)

Conference: Second European Constitutional Law Schmooze| ‘Constitutional Principle or Political Process? The Future of Federalism in Comparative Perspective’ | Milano : 25.10.2019 - 26.10.2019

Quando la forma incide sulla sostanza: le fonti (e le sorti) del federalismo fiscale in Italia
Parolari S (2019)

Conference: Italia e Spagna| Costituzioni finanziarie a confronto | Bolzano : 30.5.2019 - 31.5.2019

Irreversibly different. A country study of constitutional asymmetry in Italy
Palermo F, Valdesalici A (2019)
Contribution in book
Constitutional Asymmetry in Multinational Federalism - Managing multinationalism in multi-tiered systems

Features & developments of constitutional asymmetries in Italian regionalism
Palermo F, Valdesalici A (2018)

Conference: Constitutional asymmetry in multi-tiered multinational systems | Antwerp | 23.4.2018 - 24.4.2018

(Fiscal) federalism in the making
Valdesalici A (2018)
Comparing Fiscal Federalism
Valdesalici A, Palermo F (2018)
Leiden-Boston: Brill-Nijhoff
(Studies in Territorial and Cultural Diversity Governance)
Edited book

Federalismo fiscale e responsabilizzazione politico-finanziaria: comparazione giuridica ed esercizi di misurazione del diritto
Valdesalici A (2018)
Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
(Collana del Dipartimanto di Scienze Giuridiche dell'Università di Verona)
Authored book

A Post Scriptum to Ron Watts: The Trajectory of Fiscal Federalism
Palermo F (2018)
Contribution in book
Comparing Fiscal Federalism

La terza riforma del federalismo tedesco: il Finanzausgleich tra vecchie e nuove previsioni normative
Fraenkel-Haeberle C, Valdesalici A (2018)
Journal article
Le regioni : bimestrale di analisi giuridica e istituzionale

L'autonomia finanziaria alla prova della democrazia partecipativa nelle Province autonome di Trento e Bolzano
Valdesalici A, Trettel M (2018)
Contribution in book
Politika 2018. Autonomiekonvent und Consulta Die Reform des Autonomiestatuts der Region Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol: partizipative Prozesse im Vergleich. Convenzione sull’Autonomia e Consulta La riforma dello Statuto d’autonomia della Regione Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol: processi partecipativi a confronto

Defining fiscal federalism
Valdesalici A (2018)
Contribution in book
Comparing Fiscal Federalism

More information:

Autonomia finanziaria e specialità: un modello per sei sistemi ad alto tasso di differenziazione
Valdesalici A (2018)
Contribution in book
Le variabili della specialità: evidenze e riscontri tra soluzioni istituzionali e politiche settoriali

The financial regime of the autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen
Valdesalici A (2017)

Conference: Delegation of the group of experts on Gagauzia, Study visit to South Tyrol | Bolzano | 19.9.2017 - 20.9.2017

Unable to pay: local authorities in financial difficulty – the Italian case
Palermo F, Parolari S, Valdesalici A (2017)
Council of Europe

Decentramento a cerchi concentrici e inedite forme di governance democratica: il caso della Provincia autonoma di Trento
Valdesalici A (2017)
Journal article

Federalismo fiscale e responsabilizzazione: declinazione giuridica comparata di un principio politico-finanziario
Valdesalici A (2017)
PhD thesis

Financial autonomy and Italian regionalism: walking backward like a crab?
Palermo F, Parolari S, Valdesalici A (2016)
Council of Europe

Palermo F, Parolari S, Valdesalici A (2016)
Contribution in book
Regionalisation trends in European countries 2007-2015: a study by members of the Group of Independent Experts of the European Charter of Local Self-Government

More information:

Federalismo fiscale e autonomie territoriali: lo stato dell' arte nell' Euregio Tirolo - Alto Adige/Südtirol - Trentino
Palermo F, Parolari S, Valdesalici A (2013)
Padova: Cedam
(Ius publicum europaeum)
Edited book

Federalismo fiscale in Europa: esperienze straniere e spunti per il caso italiano
Palermo F, Nicolini M (2012)
Napoli [u.a.]: Edizioni scientifiche italiane
(Diritto costituzionale italiano ed europeo)
Edited book

Federalismo fiscale: una sfida comparata
Palermo F, Alber E, Parolari S (2011)
Padova: Cedam
(Ius publicum europaeum)
Edited book

Federalismo fiscale tra differenziazione e solidarietà: profili giuridici italiani e comparati
Woelk J (2010)
Bolzano: Eurac Research
(EURAC book)
Edited book

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