Go Housing

Go Housing

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Go Housing

Go Housing promotes social innovation in the field of housing for people with a migration background living and working in the province of Bolzano. The project operates on two levels:

  • counselling and assistance for people with a migrant background, aimed at socio-housing integration and strengthening their housing autonomy;
  • enlargement of the network of local stakeholders to initiate new forms of collaboration between profit and non-profit sectors of the local economy.

The activities are implemented through the first orientation desk and in the form of housing support at the various levels of the reception system.

Innovativeness and rootedness of the action are guaranteed by the partnership, that includes La Strada-Der Weg, Caritas Diocesi Bolzano-Bressanone and Eurac Research, with the support and participation of the Municipality of Bolzano and the Institute for Social Housing (IPES).

Eurac research is responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the intervention.

Link to the project information: https://www.lastrada-derweg.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Informativa-Informationsschrift_Go-housing_.pdf

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