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A month of ice



A month of ice

In the terraXcube's icing research tunnel, drones fly through freezing cold clouds

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act – An Intelligent Piece of Legislation?Science Blog
Science Blog

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act – An Intelligent Piece of Legislation?

Christoph MüllerChristoph Müller
 A portrait of every tree



A portrait of every tree

How the city of Merano is using new technology to protect its old trees


"Europe needs an innovation shift, now!"

EARTO - the European Association of Research and Technology Organizations held their annual convention in Italy for the first time.

Un detective per VOC e formaldeide



Un detective per VOC e formaldeide

Il nuovo VOC Lab rintraccia le sostanze nocive emesse da materiali edili e mobili, le quantifica e testa materiali innovativi in grado di ridurle.

Under the same sun



Under the same sun

Growing food and generating energy on agricultural land at the same time is both possible and profitable. Photovoltaic expert David Moser explains why it’s also the future.

Re-distribution matters – Women's unpaid work and new household technologiesScience Blog
Science Blog

Re-distribution matters – Women's unpaid work and new household technologies

Irem Güney-FrahmIrem Güney-Frahm
A Quantum of TrustScience Blog
Science Blog

A Quantum of Trust

Steven UmbrelloSteven Umbrello
"Digitalization is a social learning process"



"Digitalization is a social learning process"

Conversations between disciplines: interview with science journalist Sigrid Hechensteiner and IT expert Dietmar Laner.

"Knowing the facts does not necessarily lead to a change in behavior"



"Knowing the facts does not necessarily lead to a change in behavior"

Conversations between disciplines: interview with Eurac Resarch President Roland Psenner and renewable energy expert Wolfram Sparber.

"Maybe Ötzi was a mean guy?"



"Maybe Ötzi was a mean guy?"

Conversations between disciplines: interview with mummy researcher Albert Zink and telecommunications engineer Christian Steurer.

"The biggest challenge is the overabundance of information"



"The biggest challenge is the overabundance of information"

Conversations between disciplines: interview with neurologist Peter Pramstaller and electronic engineer Roberto Monsorno.

Ricaricare le bici elettriche in quota ora è più semplice



Ricaricare le bici elettriche in quota ora è più semplice

In cinque malghe altoatesine installati dei “green loader” a energia solare

An emergency headset



An emergency headset

Medical device to measure temperature and other vital parameters from the ear recently patented

Anziani tra smartwatch e assistenti robot



Anziani tra smartwatch e assistenti robot

Eurac Research presenta i risultati di un sondaggio condotto in Alto Adige sul tema anziani e tecnologia

Houston, we have a (heart) problem



Houston, we have a (heart) problem

Our researchers tested an automated heart massager to measure its efficacy on space missions

Aria di casa



Aria di casa

Gli inquinanti dell’aria più comuni e i sistemi per ridurre il rischio di esposizione in un video

"Wait and see doesn't work!"



"Wait and see doesn't work!"

Eurac Research President, Roland Psenner, on lessons learned from the pandemic for the next global emergency - climate change.

"What good is innovation if society falls apart?"



"What good is innovation if society falls apart?"

Stephan Ortner, director of Eurac Research, on the experience in and lessons learned from the pandemic

Die Moral in der Maschine: Warum wir eine digitale Ethik brauchenScience Blog
Science Blog

Die Moral in der Maschine: Warum wir eine digitale Ethik brauchen

Valeria von MillerValeria von Miller


Conferenza online: Homo Digitalis


Il Center for Advanced Studies affronta il tema della società digitale da una prospettiva critica assieme ad esperte ed esperti di comunicazione, tecnologia, economia e diritto. La relazione conclusiva sarà tenuta da Shoshana Zuboff, economista americana e professoressa emerita alla Harvard Business School.

Software from Bolzano has revolutionised genetic research worldwide



Software from Bolzano has revolutionised genetic research worldwide

The success story of the method that became international standard technology

Relaunching the photovoltaic industry in Italy



Relaunching the photovoltaic industry in Italy

Thanks to research - it’s a bright future for PV. Expert David Moser on photovoltaic integration strategy.

Guardaroba sportivo hi-tech grazie alla sensoristica



Guardaroba sportivo hi-tech grazie alla sensoristica

La ricerca aiuta le aziende a ottimizzare la qualità dell’abbigliamento sportivo

Zukunft ist sein Business. Harry Gatterer ist Trendforscher und Geschäftsführer des Zukunftsinstituts.Science Blog
Science Blog

Der Tourismus muss lernen, mit Menschen in Beziehung zu treten

Valeria von MillerValeria von Miller
Die Duga war eine sowjetische Über-Horizont-Radaranlage, die als Teil des sowjetischen Raketenabwehrsystems eingesetzt wurde. Direkt neben dem beschädigten Kernkraftwerk von Tschernobyl gelegen, ist die Duga ein Symbol für zwei Katastrophen gleichzeitig: die nukleare Katastrophe und den schlussendlich abgewendeten Kalten Krieg.Science Blog
Science Blog

Existenzielle Risiken für die Menschheit

Michael de RachewiltzMichael de Rachewiltz
Conscideraziuns söla crisa dl virus Corona.Science Blog
Science Blog

Conscideraziuns söla crisa dl virus Corona

Giovanni MischíGiovanni Mischí
Digitalising the body. An interview with Zoltan Istvan.Science Blog
Science Blog

Digitalising the body. Interview with the transhumanist

Valeria von MillerValeria von Miller
Time to reboot: technology won’t save usScience Blog
Science Blog

Time to reboot: technology won’t save us

Michael MatiuMichael Matiu
App per le confessioni e messe in streaming: la religione 2.0 ai tempi della Covid-19Science Blog
Science Blog

App per le confessioni e messe in streaming: la religione 2.0 ai tempi della Covid-19

Giulia IsettiGiulia Isetti
“Ciao nonno, mi vedi?”Science Blog
Science Blog

“Ciao nonno, mi vedi?”

Marcelle van der SandenMarcelle van der Sanden
Le mobilità del virus, delle persone e dei bit. Una riflessione sul turismo e oltreScience Blog
Science Blog

Le mobilità del virus, delle persone e dei bit. Una riflessione sul turismo e oltre

Anna ScuttariAnna Scuttari
New Technology, Algorithms and the Rising of Private (Digital) Powers and new Challenges for Constitutional LawScience Blog
Science Blog

New Technology, Algorithms and the Rising of Private (Digital) Powers and new ...

Oreste PollicinoOreste Pollicino