Research Support

Il modo della scienza cambia continuamente. Il nostro compito è garantire che Eurac Research sia sempre al passo: assicuriamo che il nostro lavoro sia conforme ai requisiti dei programmi di finanziamento, sia per quanto riguarda le questioni finanziarie e di personale sia per quanto riguarda le tematiche via via di rilievo, come etica e integrità della ricerca, gender (consapevolezza, inclusione, sensibilizzazione) e Open Science.

Project Service

Pre- and post-award support for research projects

Photo: Claudia Corrent | Eurac Research

Phd Programme

Eurac Research provides an environment in which students and disciplines can connect, and where emerging and established scientists can work and grow together.

Photo: Claudia Corrent | Eurac Research

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship in Eurac Research

A tailor-made online training and support for researchers interested in applying for a Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship hosted by Eurac Research

Photo: Oscar Diodoro | Eurac Research

Open Science

Activities, expertise, information and policies around Open Science

International Relations

The work of the Research Support Office in the global network of funding agencies, academic organizations, public and government offices

Find out here who does what in the Research Support team.