Neue analytische und Instrumenten-basierende Sensor Geräte um den thermo-hygrometrischen Komfort technischer Radsportbekleidung von Sportler / Radfahrer zu messen.

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Some of the factors that affect the performance of the athletes in any sport are the comfort regarding their clothing, environmental conditions and quality of the materials. Cycling clothes are especially influenced by the so called thermo-hygrometric comfort. Until now, there are no instrumented solutions or technology that demonstrates the appropriate design of clothes for maximizing comfort during the activity.

The goal of this project, financed by the Province of Bolzano through the Legge 14 Innovation programme, is to develop a measurement system and analytical method that give recommendations for the design, selection and use of clothes under several weather conditions, different types of terrain and athlete performance.

The participation of Eurac, under the foreseen activities of the Environmental Sensing Laboratory in the NOI park, includes the design of the measurement system, the establishment of a protocol for testing materials in outdoor conditions and under extreme weather conditions, using the extreme environmental simulator chamber located at NOI facilities.

Contact person: Abraham Mejia-Aguilar

Projekt gefördert durch

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Wearables: Technik hautnah
Drescher S, Mejia-Aguilar A, Mayrgündter S (2021)
Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung

Weitere Informationen:

Webinar@NOI: Textile Comfort, hygro-thermal comfort in mountain sports
Mejia Aguilar A, Monsorno R, Riaz R (2020)

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Environmental Data Platform (EDP), a Solution to Work with Big Data, Standardized and Reproducible
Vianello A, Costa A, Ventura B, Monsorno R, Tritini S, Antonucci D, Jacob A (2019)

Conference: AGILE 2019 | Limassol | 17.6.2019 - 20.6.2019

Multi-sensor approach to estimate the thermo-hygrometric comfort using new textiles and designs in cycling clothes
Mejia-Aguilar A, Monsorno R, Cazzaro M and Bergamo L (2018)
Beitrag in Konferenzband
Sensorsystem für Sportbekleidung: Schutz vor Überhitzung und Unterkühlung
Mejia Aguilar A (2018)

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Multi-sensor approach to estimate the thermo-hygrometric comfort using new textiles and designs in cycling clothes
Mejia-Aguilar A, Monsorno R, Cazzaro M, Bergamo L (2018)
Beitrag in Konferenzband

Conference: World Congress of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) | Belfast | 3.9.2018 - 6.9.2018

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