Institute for Renewable Energy - News & Events
WTA Conference 2023 in Bolzano
06 February 2023
Tante le attività nelle quali saremo coinvolti durante la fiera dell'ediliza sostenibile
02 February 2023
Innovazione di prodotto e sfide del mercato in vista della nuova versione della Direttiva Europea sulla prestazione degli edifici
31 January 2023
Presentato in Giunta Comunale lo studio Eurac Research sullo stato dell'arte delle emissioni di CO2 e i possibili target di riduzione delle emissioni per la città di Bolzano
24 January 2023
Convegno digitale sulle sfide future del mondo dell'edilizia
19 January 2023
Create a Symbiosis where PV and agriculture can have a mutually beneficial relationship
16 January 2023
Indagine sul recupero del calore di scarto e sul teleriscaldamento
10 January 2023
Presentations from the Future envelope Conference available: Have a look at them to learn more about the building envelope!
22 December 2022
New study published on Journal "Buildings" investigates the optimal day-light-to-total light ratio that delivers the most satisfaction with the lighting environment.
20 December 2022
Si amplia il ventaglio delle prove accreditate dall'Ente unico di Accreditamento italiano Accredia che si possono effettuare nei nostri laboratori per le energie rinnovabili al NOI Techpark.
01 December 2022
28 November 2022
What is "noise"? What is "sound"? What does an acoustics scientist? New scientific paper explains all these concepts to the younger ones
22 November 2022
New paper investigates the impact of the perceived control over the indoor environment on the perceived thermal comfort and IAQ in schools
It's time to evaluate the present, future and closed activities of our Institute at the annual Scientific Committee the next 22 and 23 November.
10 November 2022
10th November: Eurac Research takes part at the Clean Energy Forum Outlook 2023 and meets Environment and Climate Action Ministry of Portugal
27 October 2022
What role does environmental justice play in your daily work?
25 October 2022
Eurac Research sta conducendo uno studio per conto di Fiera Bolzano - Messe Bozen per aumentare la sostenibilità dell'attività della Fiera
21 October 2022
Affordable housing for remodelled neighbourhoods across Europe
13 October 2022
David Moser new Vice-chair of the European Technology & Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics
free entry
Science Slam Bolzano – Su il sipario per la scienza!