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Litigare per l’acqua



Litigare per l’acqua

Storia grafica – Come viene utilizzata la risorsa idrica di un fiume e quali conflitti possono nascere tra chi ne fruisce?

Forging connections



Forging connections

15 years on, how the Winter School on Federalism and Governance has created a transboundary, transdisciplinary, and lasting network.

Design dares to ask dumb questionsScience Blog
Science Blog

Design dares to ask dumb questions

Valeria von MillerValeria von Miller
The human factor



The human factor

Mathematical models for drought management would be more effective if they used social and cultural variables - how these solutions can best be integrated is the subject of current ...

Tra campi da basket e dottori volanti



Tra campi da basket e dottori volanti

Le città crescono a dismisura e le zone rurali si svuotano. Questo incide anche sull’offerta di servizi: in periferia le corse dei bus si diradano e gli uffici postali chiudono, ...

Brain-Drain Brain-Gain



Brain-Drain Brain-Gain

L’Alto Adige nella competizione dei talenti

Political communication and vaccination rates: Covid-19 insights from the USScience Blog
Science Blog

Political communication and vaccination rates: Covid-19 insights from the US

Aspen BrooksAspen Brooks
Political communication and vaccination rates: Covid-19 insights from the USScience Blog
Science Blog

Political communication and vaccination rates: Covid-19 insights from the US

Aspen BrooksAspen Brooks
“Trust means having the same values and goals, but not necessarily following the same paths.”



“Trust means having the same values and goals, but not necessarily following the same ...

Roberta Bottarin, Vice Director of Eurac Research, talks about how she experienced her role during the pandemic.


La ricerca non si è fermata: meno convegni, più progetti e più personale

Eurac Research presenta il bilancio di un anno di lavoro in pandemia


La partecipazione dei giovani nei Comuni alpini: utopia o realtà?


Numerosi enti locali stanno sperimentando forme democratiche innovative per favorire un maggiore coinvolgimento dei giovani nella vita politica dei comuni. Il webinar è un momento di incontro e scambio sulla partecipazione dei giovani nei comuni della Regione Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol.

Elezioni in Catalogna: chi ha vinto veramente?



Elezioni in Catalogna: chi ha vinto veramente?

Il 14 febbraio 2021 in Catalogna si sono svolte le elezioni per il rinnovo del Parlamento regionale. Assieme, i tre partiti indipendentisti hanno ottenuto la maggioranza dei seggi, ...

Francesco Palermo



“C’è stato un miglioramento, ma non perdiamo di vista l’obiettivo”

The condition of refugees in the pandemic era –  Four questions for Susan AbulhawaScience Blog
Science Blog

The condition of refugees in the pandemic era - Four questions for Susan Abulhawa

Andrea MembrettiAndrea Membretti
Pandemie der falschen ExpertenScience Blog
Science Blog

Pandemie der falschen Experten

Martin W. AnglerMartin W. Angler
Action and reaction: What Covid-19 can teach us about Italian regionalismScience Blog
Science Blog

Action and reaction: What Covid-19 can teach us about Italian regionalism

Elisabeth AlberElisabeth Alber
Peeling back the curtain of Covid-19 in Latin AmericaScience Blog
Science Blog

Peeling back the curtain of Covid-19 in Latin America

Carlos Cruz InfanteCarlos Cruz Infante
2020 – A very special Winter SchoolScience Blog
Science Blog

2020 - A very special Winter School

Uwe FrommUwe Fromm
Emergenza sanitaria e libertà fondamentali: facciamo il puntoScience Blog
Science Blog

Emergenza sanitaria e libertà fondamentali: facciamo il punto

Caterina BortolasoCaterina Bortolaso
The Covid-19 WhistleblowersScience Blog
Science Blog

The Covid-19 Whistleblowers

Cristina Fernández GonzálezCristina Fernández González
From Russia with love: Is Covid-19 shaping the EU and Russia’s future relations? An interview with Elena AlekseenkovaScience Blog
Science Blog

From Russia with love: Is Covid-19 shaping the EU and Russia’s future relations? An ...

Giulia IsettiGiulia Isetti
Natur und gesunde Lebensumwelt in der Stadt: Ein (planbares) Grundrecht?Science Blog
Science Blog

Natur und gesunde Lebensumwelt in der Stadt: Ein (planbares) Grundrecht?

Sonia GantiolerSonia Gantioler
Covid-19 zeigt: An Grundlagenforschung zu sparen, können wir uns nicht leistenScience Blog
Science Blog

Covid-19 zeigt: An Grundlagenforschung zu sparen, können wir uns nicht leisten

Julia StauderJulia Stauder
Operation in Syria, Manoeuvres in Turkey: Crisis as an Opportunity for ErdoğanScience Blog
Science Blog

Operation in Syria, Manoeuvres in Turkey: Crisis as an Opportunity for Erdoğan

Ulas BayraktarUlas Bayraktar
The Dublin Asylum System: An Old Challenge for the New European ExecutiveScience Blog
Science Blog

The Dublin Asylum System: An Old Challenge for the New European Executive

Elsa Fernando GonzaloElsa Fernando Gonzalo
The Environmental Implementation Review and Italy: when governance matters as much as substanceScience Blog
Science Blog

The Environmental Implementation Review and Italy: when governance matters as much as ...

Federica CittadinoFederica Cittadino
The Brexit Maze and the End of May’s Premiership: An Evermore Complicated IssueScience Blog
Science Blog

The Brexit Maze and the End of May’s Premiership: An Evermore Complicated Issue

Claudio MartinelliClaudio Martinelli
How far is California from Europe?Science Blog
Science Blog

How far is California from Europe?

Andrea LolliniAndrea Lollini