
EU H2020 BuiltHub - Collettore dinamico di conoscenza sul parco costruito europeo

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  • Project duration: -
  • Project status: ongoing
  • Funding:
    Societal Challenge (Horizon 2020 /EU funding /Project)
  • Total project budget: 2.197.088,75 €
  • Institute: Istituto per le energie rinnovabili

La conoscenza dettagliata delle caratteristiche e delle prestazioni del parco costruito ha un potenziale positivo effetto dirompente sulla capacità della CE di progettare politiche efficaci, mirate agli edifici in linea con gli obiettivi strategici per il 2050 e con il Green Deal. Considerata la mancanza di dati completi e affidabili sul patrimonio edilizio dell'Unione Europea, BuiltHub svilupperà un approccio metodologico per la raccolta dati strutturato e inclusivo, nonché un datahub di facile accesso e utilizzo, sotto forma di una piattaforma web strutturata (infrastruttura IT, analytics e dashboard user-friendly), che sarà alimentati grazie ad una strategia di coinvolgimento basata su benefici mirata ai diversi fornitori di dati e metadati, nonché ai semplici utenti. La suddetta strategia di coinvolgimento basata sui benefici sarà implementata sviluppando servizi di fornitura informazione a valore aggiunto ritagliati sugli utenti principali della piattaforma e sugli altri principali beneficiari (utenti finali). La premessa principale alla base della proposta di costruzione della comunità di BuiltHub è che i proprietari dei dati saranno disposti a fornire dati e/o informazioni alla piattaforma, in cambio delle informazioni/conoscenze a valore aggiunto che saranno fornite dalla piattaforma attraverso il suo funzionamento. Inoltre, prevediamo di strutturare una rete di "moltiplicatori", che diffonderanno i risultati di BuiltHub per ampliare la relativa comunità.
Il consorzio svilupperà anche diversi processi di analisi dati e schemi di servizio per soddisfare i possibili utenti, in base alle loro esigenze e al potenziale utilizzo dei risultati delle analisi, nonché ai vantaggi di cui potrebbero beneficiare dalla cooperazione con BuiltHub.
Il progetto mira a sviluppare il database esistente dell'osservatorio sul patrimonio edilizio (BSO – Building Stock Observatory), le relative metriche e procedure di raccolta delle informazioni, per rendere il flusso di dati più facile, resiliente e sicuro. Tuttavia, il consorzio BuiltHub è anche pronto per un approccio di sviluppo autonomo, come piano di riserva. Abbiamo inoltre l’obiettivo di lavorare in stretta collaborazione con progetti nello stesso ambito e in particolare B4E-6 MATRYCS condividendo l'approccio alla raccolta dei dati e una definizione standard di ogni elemento nei diversi livelli (dal paese al singolo edificio).

The EU building stock progress toward decarbonization is very slow with an annual amount of deep renovations in the EU28 only around 0.2%. The detailed knowledge of building stock features and performances has a potential positive disruptive effect on the ability of the EC, MSs and ACs to design effective policies targeting buildings in view of the 2050 goals and the European Green Deal. Stated the lack of comprehensive and reliable data on the EU building stock, we will develop a structured and inclusive data collection, as well as easy to access & use datahub, in the shape of a structured web-based platform (IT infrastructure, analytics and user-friendly dashboard). The overall aim of the BuiltHub project is to define the roadmap and vision for a durable dataflow enabling to characterise the EU building stock. The above-mentioned platform will ensure such a long-lasting data flow through the engagement of the stakeholders by providing knowledge and related services. The datahub will be fed into thanks to such benefits based
engagement strategy targeted to data and metadata providers. Data are related to building performance and functionality, while metadata refers to building features and contexts. The former can be provided e.g. by facility manager and utilities, the latter e.g. by local authorities and citizens. The stakeholders’ framework that we are going to establish will enable automatic and semi-automatic connections to smart meters and existing databases, as well as “manual” collection of datasets coming from industry associations, research organizations, market players and policy makers.
Recommendations and practical approach can be directly usable for specific EU policy and possible specific
regulation/rules, promoting data collection at member state and local level, while involving the whole community of data collection practitioners.
We will develop the aforementioned tailored services for Lead-Users of the platform and the other main beneficiaries (End-Users and Multipliers). Lead-Users will directly use the BuiltHub results as available in the web-based platform, provide data and use knowledge, while End-Users will be engaged by the BuiltHub consortium to exploit the user-friendly platform in their activities, eventually providing data in return, to also continuously improve the platform usefulness and effectiveness. Users may also possibly pay fees for advanced services. Finally, Multipliers will disseminate the BuiltHub achievements, enlarging the related engaged community and boosting the building stock transformation. We have already identified an initial set of beneficiary stakeholders, while a more comprehensive mapping will be detailed within the project timeframe:
• Lead-Users: researchers, facility managers, real estate developers, utilities/aggregators
• End-Users: policy makers, designers, national and local authorities (e.g. urban planning departments), citizens
• Multipliers: stakeholders associations, media, EC/EASME

BuiltHub will deliver specific actions: (i) to reach each group and to create an engaged and motivated community by offering targeted services in return for their effort in providing data, as well as (ii) to give the deserved value to the provided services (coming from data post-processing and analytics). We will ensure a long-lasting data flow, working on private and public benefits in providing digital data to the BuiltHub platform. Such benefits will be available in the form of knowledge and related services accessible through the platform for e.g. benchmarking, supporting investment, and urban planning towards full decarbonization. A specific value proposition and related business case, and a robust marketing strategy will be developed for sustainability and durability of the engaged BuiltHub community and of the platform, with this becoming their reference data repository and tool box. The BuiltHub platform will offer differentiated service schemes
to face different possible users’ needs and potential use of data & analytics. The users’ benefits they can enjoy from cooperating with BuiltHub will be properly disseminated and communicated with tailored initiatives, and services access properly configured.
The BuiltHub project aims to build upon the Building Stock Observatory (BSO) database and related analytics, to simplify, strengthen and safeguard the data flow. BuiltHub will facilitate data collection for the current and next contractors, in particular referring to “how to collect data”, “which are the meaningful data (and metadata) to be collected”, “what should the data be used for”. While the direct connection with BSO is in principle the ideal case scenario, it includes two prerequisites: a) the BSO infrastructure is already solid and functionable and b) EASME supports this approach and enables timely access to the BSO backend, functionalities, data and metadata. Notwithstanding, if these conditions are not met, the BuiltHub consortium is also ready for a development approach which stands on its own, as a back-up plan, focusing on supporting the development of durable dataflow.
The BuiltHub consortium has a solid relevant background including H2020 Hotmaps (coordinated by TU Wien), H2020 ExcEED (coordinated by Eurac) and iBRoad projects (coordinated by SYMPRAXIS), the BuildUP service contract (currently managed by EVERIS), 1st BSO EC service contract coordinate by BPIE, representing a very good starting point for developing the BuiltHub concept and implementing related activities.

Fostering knowledge transfer and sharing of data about the European building stock: BuiltHub project
Filippi Oberegger U, Munoz Alcaraz A, Alcantara Solis A, Garcia Martinez JM, Pezzutto S, Doran E (2023)

Ulteriori informazioni: https://build-up.ec.europa.eu/en/resources-and-tools/article ...

Assessment of Building Materials in the European Residential Building Stock: An Analysis at EU27 Level
Zandonella Callegher C, Grazieschi G, Wilczynski E, Oberegger Filippi U, Pezzutto S (2023)
Articolo su rivista

Ulteriori informazioni: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su15118840


On climate change, numbers don’t lie
Stambler M, Filippi Oberegger U (2022)

Ulteriori informazioni: https://www.wartsila.com/insights/article/on-climate-change- ...


The BuiltHub project and relevance to public sector buildings
Filippi Oberegger U (2022)

Conference: Co-creating an impactful and user-friendly platform | online | 24.3.2022 - 24.3.2022


BuiltHub: A roadmap, community and web-based data platform to monitor andtransform the European building stock
Filippi Oberegger U (2021)

Conference: Sustainable Places 2021 | Rome | 28.9.2021 - 1.10.2021

Ulteriori informazioni: https://www.sustainableplaces.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/ ...


Smart Buildings Future Technologies
R2M Solution (2021)
R2M Solution

Ulteriori informazioni: https://lnkd.in/e87i_Ae5


European Building Stock Analysis: a country by country descriptive and comparative analysis of the energy performance of buildings
Gevorgian A, Pezzutto S, Zambotti S, Croce S, Filippi Oberegger U, Lollini R, Kranzl L, Müller A (2021)
Bolzano: Eurac Research
Monografia o trattato scientifico (d'autore)

Ulteriori informazioni: https://builthub.eu/resource?uid=529

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