Wildlife Crimes

Bekämpfung der tier- und waldbezogenen Verbrechen in der Donau-Karpaten Region

  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Italiano
  • Project duration: -
  • Project status: finished
  • Funding:
    UNO (International organisations funding /Project)
  • Institute: Institut für Regionalentwicklung

Dieses Projekt zeigt die Ergebnisse der rechtlichen Bewertung und Analyse von Wilderei und illegaler Abholzung der Donau-Karpaten Region. Die Bewertung wurde von der UN-Umweltabteilung in Wien und dem Sekretariat der Karpatenkonvention geleitet und in Kooperation mit dem World Wide Fund for Nature – Donau Karpaten Programm, dem Institut für Biologie in Bukarest, der Rumänischen Akademie und der Internationalen Kommission zum Schutz der Donau entwickelt. Geführt wurde das Projekt mithilfe der Technischen Assistenz für Projekte im Donauraum.

Introduction: Wild for Danube-Carpathian Project

In 2016, the UN Environment office in Vienna and the Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention, in cooperation with the WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River and the Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy, and with the support of the EU Technical Assistance Facility for Danube Region Projects, carried out an assessment study, with two objectives:

  1. To develop an inventory and analysis of international legal regimes addressing illegal logging and wildlife crime in the DanubeCarpathian (DC) region;
  2. To produce an overview and analysis of how these regimes are transposed into national legislation and enforcement practices of the State Parties to the Carpathian Convention.

The outcome of the assessment showed implementation gaps and overlaps in (inter)national law and practices. Case studies on illegal logging, illegal fishing of sturgeon and caviar trade, illegal killing of birds and poaching of large carnivores, identified needs for improved cooperation and coordination, capacity building, training and awareness raising. Furthermore, it called for the development of targeted programmes and increased funding for combating illegal logging and wildlife crime in the region.

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