Diversity Governance Papers
- Deutsch
- English
- Italiano
- Project duration: -
- Project status: ongoing
- Funding: Internal funding EURAC (Project)
- Website: https://www.eurac.edu/en/institutes-centers/institute-for-comparative-federalism/pages/diversity-governance-papers-digop
- Institute: Institut für Vergleichende Föderalismusforschung
"Diversity Governance Papers (DiGoP) -Constitutional, Territorial and Societal Pluralism" is an online working paper series linked to the Research Group on “Constitutionalism and Societal Pluralism: Diversity Governance Compared ” within the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL).
The series publishes working papers from all disciplines focusing on diversity governance and exploring issues linked to constitutionalism and societal pluralism. Topics include, but are not limited to, federalism, minority rights, conflict prevention and resolution, migration, multilevel governance, local government, multi- and interculturalism, democratic/political pluralism and participatory/deliberative democracy.
Szmulewicz Ramírez E (2022)
Diversity Governance Papers
Weitere Informationen: https://webassets.eurac.edu/31538/1661704229-digop01-2022_es ...