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climate change
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Think of a bee



Think of a bee

The delicate diversity of South Tyrol’s bees

Ricomincio da me: come contribuire alla trasformazione ecologicaScience Blog
Science Blog

Ricomincio da me: come contribuire alla trasformazione ecologica

Ilaria De MarchIlaria De March
 Let’s take a field trip



Let’s take a field trip

Grasslands are complex and productive ecosystems as diverse as they are endangered.

European wines, protected designations of origin and climate resilience



European wines, protected designations of origin and climate resilience

A new study shows how climate change is altering wine-growing regions in Europe.

Monitoring meadows from space



Monitoring meadows from space

At the Institute for Earth Observation, satellites are being used to protect farmers from drought damage

"I don't believe in Global Warming": Ein Graffiti von Banksy, halb im Wasser versunkenScience Blog
Science Blog

Leugnen, lügen, ignorieren: Die rhetorischen Taktiken rechtsradikaler Parteien in der ...

Mirjam GruberMirjam Gruber
“70 percent are afraid of the negative consequences of climate change”



“70 percent are afraid of the negative consequences of climate change”

For the first time, the phenomenon of climate anxiety was addressed in a study for South Tyrol. Felix Windegger and Christoph Kircher talk about the results

The A Sud v. Italy Case after the KlimaSeniorinnen Judgment Implications of the ECtHR’s Decision for Climate Litigation in ItalyScience Blog
Science Blog

The A Sud v. Italy Case after the KlimaSeniorinnen Judgment Implications of the ...

Federica CittadinoFederica Cittadino
A well is not enough



A well is not enough

A case study in Angola reveals how adapting to climate change with technology alone is not enough, and that in the long run it could actually cause more harm than good.

Litigare per l’acqua



Litigare per l’acqua

Storia grafica – Come viene utilizzata la risorsa idrica di un fiume e quali conflitti possono nascere tra chi ne fruisce?

Climate risks: Europe is not prepared



Climate risks: Europe is not prepared

The first climate risk assessment on behalf of the EU Commission has been completed and a team from Eurac Research played a key role.


A che punto è l'Alto Adige sulla strada per la neutralità climatica?

Il monitoraggio del Piano Clima mostra l'andamento delle emissioni in Alto Adige

The case of Bhutan



The case of Bhutan

A research team from South Tyrol travels to Bhutan to train experts in analysing climate risks and returns with the insight that the Himalayan state has a lot to teach.

We have to learn how to live on a damaged planet



We have to learn how to live on a damaged planet

Why technological advancement alone won’t solve climate change

Apples with sunburn



Apples with sunburn

The impacts of climate change on agriculture in South Tyrol

Forests that protect



Forests that protect

A study assessed the impact from climate change on eleven South Tyrolean forests that have one trait in common…

Environmental Conflicts – policies without means? Studying a local environmental conflict near Nantes, France Science Blog
Science Blog

Environmental Conflicts – policies without means? Studying a local environmental ...

Verena RichardierVerena Richardier
Together in the cloud



Together in the cloud

Earth observation expert Peter Zellner on open science

Ragione e sentimento nell’Antropocene: perché abbiamo bisogno di integrare arte e scienza per un futuro sostenibileScience Blog
Science Blog

Ragione e sentimento nell’Antropocene: perché abbiamo bisogno di integrare arte e ...

Giulia IsettiGiulia Isetti
“Such a far-reaching Convention would not be signed today.”



“Such a far-reaching Convention would not be signed today.”

On the 32nd anniversary of the Alpine Convention: a conversation with the Secretary General

Ready for the worst



Ready for the worst

A look at the practices, customs and rituals a Japanese community employs to protect from the risk of natural hazards


Se ne parla: il futuro della neve in Alto Adige e nelle Alpi

La stampa nazionale richiama i dati del Dossier Neve

Betting on cosmic rays



Betting on cosmic rays

Technologies to protect against drought are increasing

Das Patriarchat am Steuer der KlimakriseScience Blog
Science Blog

Das Patriarchat am Steuer der Klimakrise

Mirjam GruberMirjam Gruber
Is the air getting too thin for plants?



Is the air getting too thin for plants?

The experiment on adaptation of alpine species moving to higher altitudes continues


4.000 pagine di dati meteorologici storici digitalizzati grazie a dieci scuole

Guidati da un gruppo di ricerca interdisciplinare, 350 studenti e studentesse di dieci scuole superiori hanno partecipato al recupero dell’immenso patrimonio storico italiano di ...

Does climate change integration matter in subnational policies? Challenges and solutions in Italian and Austrian casesScience Blog
Science Blog

Does climate change integration matter in subnational policies? Challenges and ...

Climate Action Funding in Germany and Canada  – same goal, different (financial) approachesScience Blog
Science Blog

Climate Action Funding in Germany and Canada – same goal, different (financial) ...

Malin NischwitzMalin Nischwitz
Seeking bolder and stronger climate action: A historic UN resolution requests the ICJ to issue an opinion on climate obligationsScience Blog
Science Blog

Seeking bolder and stronger climate action: A historic UN resolution requests the ICJ ...

Federica CittadinoFederica Cittadino
IPCC warns world against “irreversible” impacts of global warming.  How is the EU responding to the climate crisis?Science Blog
Science Blog

IPCC warns world against “irreversible” impacts of global warming. How is the EU ...

Mariachiara AlbertonMariachiara Alberton
The current situation of climate change integration in TrentinoScience Blog
Science Blog

The current situation of climate change integration in Trentino

Niccolò BertuzziNiccolò Bertuzzi
Light and shadow of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies: South TyrolScience Blog
Science Blog

Light and shadow of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies: South Tyrol

Giada GiacominiGiada Giacomini
Discovering subnational paths to climate change integration: an Austrian wayScience Blog
Science Blog

Discovering subnational paths to climate change integration: an Austrian way

Alice MeierAlice Meier
Kelly Sikkema/UnsplashScience Blog
Science Blog

The fight against climate change: a matter for subnational governments!

Federica CittadinoFederica Cittadino
Evelyn Mostrom/UnsplashScience Blog
Science Blog

The “Green deal for a sustainable future”: 2021’s European Development Days

Mariachiara AlbertonMariachiara Alberton
Pandemie der falschen ExpertenScience Blog
Science Blog

Pandemie der falschen Experten

Martin W. AnglerMartin W. Angler
Regionale Produkte: Umweltschutz und bunte VielfaltScience Blog
Science Blog

Regionale Produkte: Umweltschutz und bunte Vielfalt

Ellena BrandnerEllena Brandner
Die weiße Wand: Über neuen Freiraum und Krisenfestigkeit im Südtiroler HandwerkScience Blog
Science Blog

Die weiße Wand: Über neuen Freiraum und Krisenfestigkeit im Südtiroler Handwerk

Daria HabicherDaria Habicher
Covid-19 e la montagna: intervista con il climatologo Luca MercalliScience Blog
Science Blog

Covid-19 e la montagna: intervista con il climatologo Luca Mercalli

Andrea MembrettiAndrea Membretti
Covid and Climate: A Tale of Two CrisesScience Blog
Science Blog

Covid and Climate: A Tale of Two Crises

Jess DelvesJess Delves