ME Torino Mummy Project

Museo Egizio di Torino: progetto per lo studio e la conservazione delle mummie

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ME Torino Mummy Project

Questo progetto di ricerca prevede uno studio di ricerca approfondito dell'intera collezione di mummie egizie (> 100), ospitate presso il Museo Egizio di Torino, l'Italia. In una prima fase, le mummie saranno  sottoposte ad esami radiologici, utilizzando uno scanner TAC mobile. I dati ottenuti dalle TAC saranno utilizzati per un'analisi antropologica per determinarne l'età, il sesso e lo stato di conservazione di ogni mummia. Le mummie saranno analizzate In collaborazione con il nostro partner scientifico, il gruppo di HORUS al fine di determinare la presenza di calcificazioni arteriose (aterosclerosi). nella seconda fase del progetto, si effettueranno, in modo non invasivo, dei campionamenti di tessuto molle e osseo da tutte le mummie in cui sarà presente un accesso. I campioni saranno così sottoposti ad analisi del contenuto d'acqua (AW),  alla datazione al radiocarbonio e all'analisi genetica all'interno del progetto "Mummy Atherosclerosis" per la valutazione dei fattori di rischio genetici legati alle malattie cardiovascolari nelle mummie.

Preservation of the heart in ancient Egyptian mummies: A computed tomography investigation with focus on the myocardium
Panzer S, Paladin A, Zesch S, Rosendahl W, Augat P, Thompson RC, Miyamoto MI, Sutherland ML, Allam AH, Wann LS, Sutherland JD, Rowan CJ, Michalik DE, Hergan K, Zink A (2024)
Articolo su rivista
Clinical Anatomy

Atherosclerosis in ancient mummified humans: the global HORUS study
Thompson RC, Sutherland ML, Allam AH, Paladin A, Zink AR, Wann LS, Sutherland JD, Frohlich B, Hunt D, Miyamoto MI, Rowan CJ, Michalik DE, Finch CE, Lombardi GP, Soliman M, Monge JM, Vallodolid CM, Cox SL, Abdel-Maksoud G, Badr I, Nur el-Din A, King SI, Seyfried F, Panzer S, Zesch S, Wurst C, Samadelli M, Gregori G, Rossani M, Valverde G, Maixner F, Facchetti F, Warnasch S, Watson L, Narula J, Nelson AJ, Thomas GS (2024)
Articolo su rivista
European Heart Journal

Genetic study of Predynastic to early Islamic ancient Egyptian human remains
Mussauer A, Wurst C, Paladin A, Coia V, Maixner F, Zink A (2024)

Conference: Mummies and the Ancient Egyptians | Budapest | 29.1.2024 - 2.2.2024

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in mummies: a polygenic risk score based on a genetic enrichment approach
Wurst C, Maixner F, Paladin A, Mussauer A, Valverde G, Thompson R, Zink A (2023)

Conference: New Horizons in Biomolecular Archaeology (ISBA10) | Tartu | 13.9.2023 - 16.9.2023

Genetic study of ancient Egyptian human remains dating from the Predynastic Period to the early Islamic Period (ca. 4000 cal. BCE - 800 cal. CE)
Mussauer A, Wurst C, Paladin A, Coia V, Maixner F, Zink A (2023)

Conference: New Horizons in Biomolecular Archaeology (ISBA10) | Tartu | 13.9.2023 - 16.9.2023

Anemias in ancient Egyptian child mummies: Computed tomography investigations in European museums
Panzer S, Schneider KO, Zesch S, Rosendahl W, Thompson RC, Zink A (2023)
Articolo su rivista
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology

Postmortem changes in ancient Egyptian child mummies: Possible pitfalls on CT images
Panzer S, Zesch S, Rosendahl W, Thompson RC, Zink A (2023)
Articolo su rivista
International Journal of Paleopathology

Ulteriori informazioni: ...

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in mummies: A polygenic risk score based on a genetic enrichment approach
Wurst C, Maixner F, Valverde G, Tessmann B, Krause-Kyora B, Krause J, Del Vesco P, Helmbold-Doyé J, Hotz G, Thompson R, Zink A (2022)

Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022

Four thousand years of maternal ancestry in ancient Egypt illuminated by mitochondrial genome sequencing
Mussauer A, Wurst C, Paladin A, Coia V, Maixner F, Helmbold-Doyé J, Del Vesco P, Rosendahl W, Zink A (2022)

Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022

The other face of musealization: 3D computerized reconstruction of the facial features of an Egyptian mummy
Manzollino R, Rodella L, Del Vesco P, Zink A, Conti V, Paladin A (2022)

Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022

You and Me: incontro con i soci della Fondazione del ME di Torino
Paladin A, Facchetti F, Töpfer S (2022)

Conference: you and me | ONLINE | 14.1.2022 - 14.1.2022

Mummy of vizir Imhotep: interdisciplinary study and restoration work
Facchetti F, Paladin A, Aicardi S, Manzollino R, Sutherland ML, Wurst C, Mussauer A, Samadelli M, Zink A, Greco C (2022)

Conference: 10th World Congress on Mummy Studies | Bolzano | 5.9.2022 - 9.9.2022

Face to face with human remains: the case study of an Egyptian mummy’s facial reconstruction
Conti V, Rodella L, Del Vesco P, Zink A, Manzollino R, Paladin A (2022)

Conference: Le scienze e i beni culturali| innovazione e multidisciplinarietà | Milano : 19.9.2022 - 20.9.2022

Recovery lines in ancient Egyptian child mummies: CT-investigations in European museums
Panzer S, Schneider KO, Zesch S, Rosendahl W, Helmbold-Doyé J, Thompson R, Zink A (2022)
Articolo su rivista
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology

Radiological evidence of purulent infections in ancient Egyptian child mummies
Panzer S, Treitl M, Zesch S, Rosendahl W, Helmbold-Doyé J, Thompson RC, Zink A (2022)
Elsevier BV
Articolo su rivista
International Journal of Paleopathology

Ulteriori informazioni:

Correlation of atherosclerosis and osteoarthritis in ancient Egypt: A standardized evaluation of 45 whole-body CT examinations
Panzer S, Augat P, Sprenger M, Zesch S, Rosendahl W, Sutherland ML, Thompson RC, Paladin A, Zink A (2021)
Articolo su rivista
International Journal of Paleopathology

Ulteriori informazioni:

Assessment of embalming techniques in Egyptian mummies using computed tomography
Zink A, Paladin A (2021)

Conference: The art of embalming| practice, evolution and materiality Egyptological colloquium British Museum | London : 31.8.2021 - 3.9.2021

The mummy of Hathor-ta-scherit-net-Osiris: Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung (Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection)
Zink A, Paladin A, Panzer S (2020)

Conference: Annual Egyptological lectures and colloquia | London | 6.2.2020 - 8.2.2020

A First Assessment of the Conservation of the Mummified Human Remains in the Museo Egizio in Turin in the Framework of the “Mummy Conservation Project”
Samadelli M, Gregori G, Maixner F, Rossani M, Del Vesco P, Borla M, Paladin A, Wurst C, Sterflinger-Gleixner K, Voitl C, Cibin M, Thomas GS, Frohlich B, Thompson RC, Zink AR (2019)
Articolo su rivista
Rivista del Museo Egizio

Ulteriori informazioni:

Anthropological and Paleopathological study: preliminary results
Paladin A, Zink A, Frohlich B, Sutherland ML, Sutherland J, Zesch S (2019)

Conference: 2nd Horus EURAC Torino Museum conjoint symposium | Bolzano | 14.10.2019 - 14.10.2019

Conference: Human Remains. Ethics, Conservation, Display | Torino | 30.9.2019 - 1.10.2019

Preliminary Biopsy findings, Turin mummies
Frohlich B, Wurst C, Paladin A, Zink A (2017)

Conference: Horus-Eurac conjoint symposium on the fundamental etiologies of atherosclerosis | Torino | 1.4.2017 - 1.4.2017

Preliminary aDNA analysis of Egyptian mummies of the Ägyptisches Museum in Berlin
Wurst C (2017)

Conference: Horus-Eurac conjoint symposium on the fundamental etiologies of atherosclerosis | Torino | 1.4.2017 - 1.4.2017

Our partners
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  • Smithsonian , National Museum of Natural History

  • Museo Egizio Torino

  • Sovrintendenza ai Beni Culturali Torino

  • Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, Long Beach, and University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, ...

  • Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute, and University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Medicine, ...


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