IT BZ L14 ACU-VENT: Ein Pilotprojekt über die Wechselwirkung zwischen Gebäudebelüftung, Geräuschkulisse in Wohngebäuden und Wohlbefinden der Bewohner.

  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Italiano
  • Project duration: -
  • Project status: finished
  • Funding:
    Provincial P.-L.P. 14. Mobility (Province BZ funding /Project)
  • Institute: Institut für Erneuerbare Energie

ACU-VENT project aims to: 1) develop a methodology for assessing the indoor soundscapes in residential buildings that defines the requirements and methods for measuring the physical environment and occupants' perception, through collaboration with international experts in academia (Prof. Jian Kang, University College London), design and policy making; 2) evaluate key factors and their influence on the quality of the soundscape in residential buildings with natural and mechanical ventilation in an acoustic comfort model, thorugh a summer monitoring campaign in London. The methodology will be replicable in future large-scale projects, in South Tyrol as well as in national and international contexts, in order to support the adoption of natural ventilation as a passive cooling and ventilation technology for sustainable and comfortable buildings.

Measuring, representing and analysing indoor soundscapes: A data collection campaign in residential buildings with natural and mechanical ventilation in England
Torresin S, Aletta F, Oberman T, Vinciotti V, Albatici R, Kang J (2023)
Elsevier BV
Building and Environment

Weitere Informationen:

Project Partners
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  • UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering

Project Team
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Simone Torresin

Simone Torresin

Project Manager


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