IEA SHC Task 59

IEA SHC Task 59: Energetische Sanierung von historischen Gebäuden auf geringstmöglichen Energiebedarf und CO2 Emessionen (nZEB)

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IEA SHC Task 59

Ziel des Projektes ist es, die energetische Sanierung von historischen Gebäuden zu fördern – ein wichtiger Schritt, wenn das große Potential der Sonnenenergienutzung im Gebäudebestand umgesetzt werden soll.

Historische Gebäude machen einen beträchtlichen Teil des Gebäudebestandes aus und sowohl für die Erreichung der Klimaschutzziele als auch für die Erhaltung dieses wichtigen Aspekts unserer kulturellen Identität, müssen denkmalpflegeverträgliche Ansätze und Lösungen für die energetische Sanierung gefunden werden. Der in den letzten 10 Jahren beobachtete Paradigmenwechsel von „Hände weg von historischen Gebäuden“ zu „lasst uns die richtige Lösung gemeinsam finden“ zeigt, dass jetzt der richtige Moment ist, Expertise auf internationalem Niveau zusammenzutragen, die Erfahrungen aus den verschiedenen nationalen Initiativen und Projekten zusammenzuführen und damit Forschung und Lösungsfindung einen wesentlichen Schritt weiter zu bringen.

Der neue Task wurde im Solar Heating and Cooling Programme der Internationalen Energieagentur von IEA SHC Task 37 und Task 47 (welche sich mit der energetischen Sanierung von Wohngebäude resp. Nicht-Wohngebäuden auseinandergesetzt hatten) initiiert, die EURAC hat die Koordination übernommen. Mit dem IEA SHC ExCo meeting im Frühjahr 2016 wurde das Konzeptpapier offiziell angenommen worden, womit die einjährige Definitionsphase für den Task starten konnte. Beim ExCo meeting im Frühjahr 2017 wurden der Arbeitsplan und Annex bestätigt, sodass die eigentlich Arbeitsphase des Tasks mit September 2017 starten konnte.

Die angepeilte Struktur des Tasks schließt folgenden Aspekte ein: (A) eine gemeinsame Wissensbasis, (B) den Disziplinen übergreifenden Planungsprozess, (C) die denkmalverträglichen Sanierungslösungen und schließlich (D) Veranschaulichung und Wissenstransfer

Schwerpunkt der Tätigkeiten 2017 liegt auf der Definition des Arbeitsplanes und der Umsetzung des Kick-Off meeting im Herbst 2017. 2018 wird die Arbeit in den einzelnen SubTasks starten – von der Seite der Eurac mit Inputs aus the hBATec, PLANfenster und LowTech sowie dem Feuchtelabor. Highlights warden das Frühjahrstreffen in Bozen sowie das Hersttreffen auf Gotland sein, letztereszusammen mit der Konferenz EEHB 2018.

Historic buildings make up a considerable part of our building stock (one fourth for Europe). They are the trademark of numerous cities, and they will only survive if maintained as a living space. This means, that in order to save this heritage for future generations, we need to find conservation compatible energy retrofit approaches and solutions, which allow to preserve the historic and aesthetic values while increasing comfort, lowering energy bills and minimizing environmental impact.

In the last 10 years a shift in paradigm could be observed: While in times of the first EPBD, a strong opposition from conservators and architects could be observed – “don’t touch these buildings” – there is growing a new openness, a much more constructive approach – “let’s find the right solutions together”. Examples for this development are last but not least the installation of the International Scientific Committee on Energy and Sustainability within ICOMOS and the development of “Guidelines for improving the energy performance of historic buildings” (EN16883) by the CEN TC 346 on Conservation of Cultural Heritage.Now is an important moment to identify and promote good approaches and solutions.


Realised examples show that a reduction of “Factor 4” (i.e. reduce the energy demand by 75%) and beyond is possible also in historic buildings preserving their heritage value – depending however on the specific case. While defining a minimum performance as for “standard” buildings does not make sense, when looking at the specific building, the design team should not “stop thinking” too early! A considerable reduction in demand – also thanks to optimisation of passive solar use – opens up the possibility to go with active solar contribution towards nZEB.


The Objectives of the Task are to

  • Develop a solid knowledge base on how to save energy in renovation of historic and protected buildings in a cost efficient way.
  • Identify the energy saving potential for protected and historic buildings according to typologies of building studied (residential, administrative, cultural…)
  • Identify and assess replicable procedures on how experts can work together with integrated design to maintain both the heritage value of the building and at the same time make it energy efficient
  • Identify and further develop tools which support this procedure and its single steps
  • Identify and assess conservation compatible retrofit solutions in a “whole building perspective”
  • Identify specifically the potential for the use of solar energy (passive and active, heating, cooling and electricity) and promote best practice solutions
  • Transfer knowledge


To reach these objectives IEA SHC will collaborate with the IEA EBC at a “Medium Level Collaboration”, and with the IEA PVPS at a “Minimum Level Collaboration”.


The Task is structured in the following SubTasks:

  • SubTask A. Knowledge Base
    Collection of Best Practice cases, following the approach of IEA SHC Task 37 and 47. Assessment of existing experience and identification of the energy saving potential. Special focus also on the decision context (why go for innovative solutions?) as well as monitoring and evaluation data. Subtask A will build on results from national and international research and demonstration projects, such as 3ENCULT, EFFESUS, RIBUILD, 4RinEU, “Gründerzeit mit Zukunft”, “Spara och Bevara” a.o.
  • SubTask B. Multidisciplinary planning process
    Identifcation of replicable procedures on how experts can work together to maintain both the expression of the building, and at the same time make it more energy efficient. Identification and further development of tools which support the process and its single steps.
    Starting from the procedure for selecting measures as presented in EN 16883 (Conservation of cultural heritage — Guidelines for improving the energy performance of historic buildings) it identifies the needs for support and tools beyond what the standard offers, for example on documentation and life cycle assessment, and aims to provide the end users with an integrated design platform
  • SubTask C. Conservation compatible retrofit solutions and strategies
    Identification of replicable solutions from case studies. Connection to and integration of ongoing R&D on conservation compatible retrofit solutions. Assessment of technical solutions from both energy and conservation point of view. Focus especially on (i) window solutions, (ii) internal insulation (hygrothermal performance and key indicators like drying potential), (iii) Building services and HVAC (with focus on ventilation with enhanced cascade systems and active overflow principle) and (iv) integrated solar systems.
  • SubTask D. Knowledge transfer and dissemination
    Expert workshops (possibly with participation of observers) on different themes in conjunction with the six-monthly expert meetings; Workshops for Professionals series linked to the expert meetings and relevant conferences (EEHB 2018, Docomomo 2018, ICOMOS 2019, EEHB 2020 etc.); Info slots at stakeholder events – presenting the Task’s results and bringing back stakeholders’ feedback to the expert group; Touring exhibition where visual presentation material will be used by all partners in the diverse events they are organising or participating in. A Task website will be developed, to provide information on the Task and its objectives, but especially on results and upcoming events. To keep the interest in the Task high, regularly news pieces and audio-visual contribution are uploaded and distributed via the SHC newsletter.
Evaluating the Implementation of Energy Retrofits in Historic Buildings: A Demonstration of the Energy Conservation Potential and Lessons Learned for Upscaling
Herrera-Avellanosa D, Rose J, Thomsen KE, Haas F, Leijonhufvud G, Brostrom T, Troi A (2024)

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Elsevier BV
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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Buda A, Gori V, de Place Hansen EJ, López S. Polo C, Marincioni V, Giancola E, Vernimme N, Eguisquiza A, Haas F, Herrera-Avellanosa D (2022)
Elsevier BV
Journal of Cultural Heritage

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Beitrag in Konferenzband

Conference: SBE21 - Sustainable Built Heritage | online | 14.4.2021 - 16.4.2021

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How Can Scientific Literature Support Decision-Making in the Renovation of Historic Buildings? An Evidence-Based Approach for Improving the Performance of Walls
Marincioni V, Gori V, de Place Hansen EJ, Herrera-Avellanosa D, Mauri S, Giancola E, Egusquiza A, Busa A, Leonardi E, Rieser A (2021)

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Conservation-compatible retrofit solutions in historic buildings: an integrated approach
Buda A, de Place Hansen EJ, Rieser A, Giancola E, Pracchi VN, Mauri S, Marincioni V, Gori V, Fouseki K, Polo López CL, Lo Faro A, Egusquiza A, Haas F, Leonardi E, Herrera-Avellanosa D (2021)

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Integration of Energy-Efficient Ventilation Systems in Historic Buildings—Review and Proposal of a Systematic Intervention Approach
Rieser A, Pfluger R, Troi A, Herrera-Avellanosa D, Engelund Thomsen K, Rose J, Arsan DA, Akkurt GG, Kompeinig G, Guyot G, Chung D (2021)

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Inspiring good practices: Rainhof, a case study in the Italian Alps
Herrera D (2020)

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Andreotti M, Bottino-Leone D, Calzolari M, Davoli P, Dias Pereira L, Lucchi E, Troi A (2020)

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What Are the Implications of Climate Change for Retrofitted Historic Buildings? A Literature Review
Hao L, Herrera-Avellanosa D, Del Pero C, Troi A (2020)

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Akkurt GG, Aste N, Borderon J, Buda A, Calzolari M, Chung D, Costanzo V, Del Pero C, Evola G, Huerto-Cardenas HE, Leonforte F, Lo Faro A, Lucchi E, Marletta L, Nocera F, Pracchi V, Turhan C (2020)
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  • University of Cincinnati

  • Cupagroup Innovation

  • Danish Building Research Insititute

  • Universität Genua

  • Carrig

  • Historic Environment Scotland

  • e7 energie markt analyse

  • Université catholique de Louvain

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  • Belgian Building Research Institute

  • Universität Ferrara

  • Tecnalia - Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Gipuzkoa

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    Uppsala University - Campus Gotland

Credits: undefined


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