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European wines, protected designations of origin and climate resilience



European wines, protected designations of origin and climate resilience

A new study shows how climate change is altering wine-growing regions in Europe.

Come si cambia dopo un incidente in montagna



Come si cambia dopo un incidente in montagna

Uno studio dimostra che le persone a volte sviluppano disturbi psicologici da stress, ma possono anche uscire più forti dall’incidente

A well is not enough



A well is not enough

A case study in Angola reveals how adapting to climate change with technology alone is not enough, and that in the long run it could actually cause more harm than good.

Il paese che riflette su se stesso e il suo futuro



Il paese che riflette su se stesso e il suo futuro

Storia dell’incontro tra una comunità che ha voglia di mettersi in gioco e una ricercatrice

The case of Bhutan



The case of Bhutan

A research team from South Tyrol travels to Bhutan to train experts in analysing climate risks and returns with the insight that the Himalayan state has a lot to teach.

Ready for the worst



Ready for the worst

A look at the practices, customs and rituals a Japanese community employs to protect from the risk of natural hazards

Is the air getting too thin for plants?



Is the air getting too thin for plants?

The experiment on adaptation of alpine species moving to higher altitudes continues

 A portrait of every tree



A portrait of every tree

How the city of Merano is using new technology to protect its old trees

Death by a thousand cuts



Death by a thousand cuts

Interview with Environment Lawyer and Federal Scholar in Residence Rebecca Nelson.

What is an extreme event?



What is an extreme event?

Since 1981, a research project has analysed the extreme events that have affected certain Alpine regions. The results of which have enabled new models to manage them better.

"Our attitude toward the state is that of consumers"



"Our attitude toward the state is that of consumers"

Conversations between disciplines: interview with business economist Josef Bernhart and geographer Stefan Schneiderbauer.

The Future of European SMEs: Seven strategic axes for the re-globalization phaseScience Blog
Science Blog

The Future of European SMEs: Seven strategic axes for the re-globalization phase

Roland BenedikterRoland Benedikter
"Closing the gap between research and policy"



"Closing the gap between research and policy"

Climate change adaptation strategies particularly urgent in mountain regions

Vincoli costosi



Vincoli costosi

Con la guerra in Ucraina, l’Italia paga il prezzo elevato di una burocrazia che ostacola l’espansione delle energie rinnovabili. L'esperto Wolfram Sparber spiega cosa deve cambiare ...

The end of predictability



The end of predictability

Predicting climate-related hazards has become more complex than ever due to climate change. A team of experts from Eurac Research have recently published an official guide for ...

Just Nature



Just Nature

Can some of the most pressing urban problems be solved with the help of nature?

Keine Innovation ohne soziale EnergieScience Blog
Science Blog

Keine Innovation ohne soziale Energie

Valeria von MillerValeria von Miller


Territorial Futures

24 - 27 agosto 2021

Dalla digitalizzazione alla perdita di biodiversità, dalle disuguaglianze sociali alla scarsità delle risorse, sono numerose le sfide che mettono alla prova le nostre società. Sono sfide che tutti i territori si trovano ad affrontare, ma che impattano in maniera diversa sulle aree urbane rispetto a quelle periferiche.

Le strategie che territori con caratteristiche diverse dovranno mettere in anno nei prossimi anni sono al centro del convegno annuale della European Regional Science Association organizzato in collaborazione con Eurac Research.

“Trust means having the same values and goals, but not necessarily following the same paths.”



“Trust means having the same values and goals, but not necessarily following the same ...

Roberta Bottarin, Vice Director of Eurac Research, talks about how she experienced her role during the pandemic.


Rural Commons Festival 2021 “Da ovest a est"

Weekend dal 21 maggio al 6 giugno 2021

Tre weekend in tre diversi luoghi del Trentino.

Klein ist schön! Oder doch nicht immer?



Klein ist schön! Oder doch nicht immer?

Der Agrarwissenschaftler Matthias Gauly und der Geograf Thomas Marsoner im Gespräch über nachhaltige Landwirtschaft

Agricoltura: un rapporto analizza gli elementi chiave per uno sviluppo sostenibile



Agricoltura: un rapporto analizza gli elementi chiave per uno sviluppo sostenibile

Per la prima volta un team di ricerca fa il punto della situazione sulla sostenibilità dell’agricoltura in Alto Adige

Ein Blick nach China: Zurück in der Normalität?Science Blog
Science Blog

Ein Blick nach China: Zurück in der Normalität?

Wei Manske-WangWei Manske-Wang
Una patata nella mano di un contadinoScience Blog
Science Blog

Il valore della terra

Andrea MembrettiAndrea Membretti
Die Duga war eine sowjetische Über-Horizont-Radaranlage, die als Teil des sowjetischen Raketenabwehrsystems eingesetzt wurde. Direkt neben dem beschädigten Kernkraftwerk von Tschernobyl gelegen, ist die Duga ein Symbol für zwei Katastrophen gleichzeitig: die nukleare Katastrophe und den schlussendlich abgewendeten Kalten Krieg.Science Blog
Science Blog

Existenzielle Risiken für die Menschheit

Michael de RachewiltzMichael de Rachewiltz
Swiss mountain village Vals with its signature steepleScience Blog
Science Blog

Mussolini's Influence On the Romansh Language

Antilia WyssAntilia Wyss
Die Macht der Diskurse und der Kultur: Ein Interview mit Hartmut SchröderScience Blog
Science Blog

Die Macht der Diskurse und der Kultur: Ein Interview mit Hartmut Schröder

Time to reboot: technology won’t save usScience Blog
Science Blog

Time to reboot: technology won’t save us

Michael MatiuMichael Matiu
A journey towards Mother Earth: Listening to Indigenous voices in the Covid-19 pandemicScience Blog
Science Blog

A journey towards Mother Earth: Listening to Indigenous voices in the Covid-19 ...

Alexandra TomaselliAlexandra Tomaselli
Why resilience is not enoughScience Blog
Science Blog

Why resilience is not enough

Roland PsennerRoland Psenner
Wir müssen endlich resilienter werden! Ein Plädoyer, in der momentanen Zeit des Stillstands umzudenkenScience Blog
Science Blog

Wir müssen endlich resilienter werden! Ein Plädoyer, in der momentanen Zeit des ...

Thomas Philipp StreifenederThomas Philipp Streifeneder
Gesellschaftliche Resilienz in der Coronakrise und darüber hinausScience Blog
Science Blog

Gesellschaftliche Resilienz in der Coronakrise und darüber hinaus

Karim FathiKarim Fathi
Destination Shutdown: Was man in der Corona-Krise von der Destination Südtirol lernen kannScience Blog
Science Blog

Destination Shutdown: Was man in der Corona-Krise von der Destination Südtirol lernen ...
