articlearticleMonitoring meadows from spaceAt the Institute for Earth Observation, satellites are being used to protect farmers from drought damage29 July 2024
interviewinterviewTogether in the cloudEarth observation expert Peter Zellner on open science15 December 2023
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articlearticleBetting on cosmic raysTechnologies to protect against drought are increasing31 August 2023
articlearticleDrones for scienceRemotely piloted aircraft are changing scientific research14 June 2023
articlearticleA breath of snowNew satellite technology to monitor the thermal conductivity of snow06 April 2023
interviewinterview“Data sustainability is the new frontier of research”Conversations between disciplines: interview with physicist Claudia Notarnicola and emergency physician Giacomo Strapazzon.07 December 2022
articlearticleSport in montagnaQuale è la percezione del rischio e la preparazione di chi lo pratica?29 November 2022
newsCambiamenti climatici in Alto Adige: online una nuova piattaforma con dati e graficiIl “Monitoraggio dei cambiamenti climatici in Alto Adige” utilizza indicatori selezionati per rendere visibili i cambiamenti del clima e i loro effetti18 October 2022
articlearticleWhat is an extreme event?Since 1981, a research project has analysed the extreme events that have affected certain Alpine regions. The results of which have enabled new models to manage them better.12 October 2022
articlearticleEarth's swan songWhat are thermokarst lakes and why soil warming should worry us even more than air warming04 October 2022
interviewinterview"Where do we want to go?"Conversations between disciplines: interview with director of Eurac Research Stephan Ortner and geoecologist Marc Zebisch.30 September 2022
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articlearticleScenari per l’Alto Adige verso la neutralità climaticaEurac Research ha elaborato uno studio tecnico completo per conto della Provincia08 August 2022
newsSe ne parla: nel 2100 dimezzati i giorni di neve nelle AlpiLa stampa richiama gli studi del matematico di Eurac Research Michael Matiu01 July 2022
articlearticleThe consequences of a winter with little snow are felt in summerNew web application monitors water supplies stored in the form of snow throughout the Alps30 June 2022
articlearticleThe human factorMathematical models for drought management would be more effective if they used social and cultural variables - how these solutions can best be integrated is the subject of current ...23 June 2022
interviewinterviewThe end of predictabilityPredicting climate-related hazards has become more complex than ever due to climate change. A team of experts from Eurac Research have recently published an official guide for ...20 May 2022
articlearticlePoca neve, poca pioggia e troppo caldoUn inverno difficile per l’Alto Adige30 March 2022
articlearticleWhen Excel is not enoughTales from the community using Open-Source software to create their own working tools14 December 2021
articlearticleTrova le differenzeDati satellitari dettagliatissimi hanno fotografato l’evoluzione dei ghiacciai presenti in Alto Adige e Tirolo.02 December 2021
articlearticleUn tesoro in un mare di datiLa ricerca dispone di una quantità immensa di dati e, grazie all’intelligenza artificiale, si può avvalere anche della tecnologia per ottenere da essi quante più informazioni sia ...19 November 2021
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articlearticleDie Vermessung des WintersWieviel Schnee ist in einer Saison gefallen? Um wieviel sind die Schneehöhen in den letzten Jahrzehnten zurückgegangen? Die Forschung gibt immer genauere Antworten22 March 2021
interviewinterview“Nel 2100 la neve a 2000 m come oggi a 1000-1500 m”E non è l’unica cosa che sta cambiando per la neve. Lo racconta Michael Matiu, matematico e ciaspolatore.15 March 2021
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interviewinterviewVolontà e intuizioneClaudia Notarnicola, vincitrice del premio Women in Science, ripercorre la sua carriera fin qui21 January 2021
interviewinterviewRisky BusinessLidia Pedoth on the importance of communication when it comes to identifying, assessing and reducing the risks of disaster.02 November 2020
articlearticleMethode: ZuhörenWarum Gespräche das Herzstück einer Klimarisiko-Analyse sind10 May 2019